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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. Awe I'm sorry. If it's any concellation I'm too cheap to turn the air on, and even 5 months pregnant I'm handling the heat pretty well. I vowed to wait until after get back from our vacation, the 1st week in June, to turn it on, to save money and energy.


    A sad story like that sure does put it into perspective for anyone.

  2. If you saw the same one I did, it was SMALL and it flying over the power lines in my area (McPherson Church Rd.) and I saw it not far from the time you did Davis.

  3. Most importantly is you can't lie on your stomach and shouldn't lie on your back too long or it's terrifibly uncomfortable and would not be relaxing IMO. There are also many pressure points to avoid when pregnant. Any you must wait until you are out of 1st trimester for any message. You lie on your side with lots of pillows.

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