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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. As I nurse my 11 week old to sleep, bare with me, as I'm typing with one hand. All 3 of my kids are/were exclusively breastfed with no pumping, bottles or a pacifier. I strongly urge you NOT to add a pacy to the mix. Adding any artificial oral stimulation, especially with such a young baby, can definately effect your milk supply. The other plus to exclusively nursing is not ovulating, usually for the first year.


    I think the hardest thing for people to understand about "nursing" is it's just that vs. breast "feeding." Your there as their comforter, as well as their food supply. It's normal and natural for a baby to want to nurse to feel comforted. Then just give him your emptiest breast. And as for the vomiting, same happened to me when mine was younger and I always attributed it to just having an over abundance of milk and I believe that's what happens when their belly gets too full and they can't hold it all in. But it was balance out and remember nursing works in supply and demand. Regardless of what you hear, if their is a demand you will create a supply.

  2. We participate in the welfare to work program and have volunteers come and do their community service hours in order to receive their food stamps. However, I think it's for the childless adults that must participate in the program in order to receive. But the biggest problem is their unreliability for work. And then they don't get their food stamps.

  3. It's 10:06 and our Santa just bailed on us for Santa photos which start at 11 at the Petsmart in Hiram. PLEASE SOMEONE COME THROUGH FOR US. Costume and Santa's elves are ready, but we have to find someone to do this. We'll buy you lunch and be forever grateful!!!

  4. Our 2 1/2 year old boy is completely potty trained by his choice, but we had a similar pooping issue and potty candy did the trick. Buy his favorite candy -- ours was Reese's cups -- and put them above the toilet, up high of course!

  5. Come take some pictures of some real hounds for us....


    We still need volunteers for the following dates to do Santa photos at the Petsmart in Hiram from 10:45 - 4:00. It's a lot of fun and such a great fundraiser for us. Today (12/1) we did over 60 photos, which is $300 raised! The following dates are still needed, with the highlighted one being the most needed:


    Sunday 12/2 - we don't have a Santa for this date only and Petsmart just asked us this afternoon, as they can't fill it on such late notice...


    Saturday 12/8

    Sunday 12/9

    Sunday 12/16


    Have a pawsome day!!!



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