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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. I bought and sold them back in the day and made the down payment for our first house! Now the leftovers have been moved around from attic to basement in ziplock bags and in containers. I was once going to donate them to a police station because I thought they'd be the perfect size for them to carry a few in their trunk to give to kids in need and of course they are brand new. But now I guess I'll pass them onto my daughter to play with and someone will have to duct tape my mouth as she rips the tags off of them. I even have the gun to put the tags back on!

  2. If your car is too dirty they'll kick you out and not let you through (yes I know this from experience) but they say it's because they recycle their water and want to keep it clean.

  3. I'm posting this for a friend:


    Daughters ONLY Christmas present last seen at Ruby Tuesdays New Years Eve night. I believe she left it there. It's a black 120 Zune mp3 player with ear buds. She is 11 and very upset about losing it. Please return if found. No questions asked :) call 404-402-0648.

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