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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. I'm almost embarrassed to share, but hey I have a hard job and wear flip flops or slips ons most all the time outside when it's not warm enough to be barefoot. I've worn my Ped-Egg/Cheese Grader down so low that it no longer works and the blades are flat!!!

  2. I think it just depends on your renters, so there is no for sure way to know how it's going to go for you. We've been renting out our home for 3 years now. First tenants...sucked...didn't pay their rent on time, check bounced, smoked in the house and made a hole in the carpet from a burning cigarette. Second tenants...always pay on time and except for not being able to fix small things themselves, they have been excellent...

  3. I have not had Kool-Aid in probably 20 years. My kids had it once (not in my care) and I bought flipped out. Just paint the sugar on your teeth, put the dropper of dye on their clothes and save yourself the trouble of drinking anything....

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