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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. First, you can't potty train a kid that isn't ready. Second, bribes work well....we used potty candy, kept it above the toilet. A mini M & M for pees and a Kiss or Reece's for Poop! Worked wonders. Keep in mind they aren't going to receive their high school diploma while wearing a pull up! I also think pushing it too young is just wrong....

  2. Here's my 2 cents: I buy ALOT of stuff from consignment sales for all 3 of my kids and just FYI (if you care) I'd never pay $10+ for a used outfit. I'm for a great buy on some brand name clothes, but if it's priced too high I'll pass for a brand new Target outfit the same price or less.

  3. I'd agree about not investing in a full size on at the age. Mine all sat in a highchair seat like the link LisaG posted from 3 months on. But with my 3rd kid, we had to buy a real one because we only have 4 chairs at our dining room table and thought it would buy us some time.

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