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Pretty In Paper

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Everything posted by Pretty In Paper

  1. Nemie...it's really cool that you are keeping with the animal theme since your biz is about animal stuff. Your prices are great too!
  2. My hair misses you HR! I miss you HR!!!
  3. Mapquest, Google maps and GPS can't find us either!
  4. Those are nice! And I agree, the makeup cases are really cute!
  5. Can you suggest to my sweet husband that I want a pair of your Pink Quartz Drop earrings for one of my stocking stuffers?
  6. Those are pretty cool FG! What else ya got up your sleeve?
  7. I need to come back in for lunch again! Only thing is, I need a lunch date.
  8. Me too! I especially love the Nightingale tea cups.
  9. How cute is that? I just found your webpage...love those sets!
  10. Hey lady. Did you ever get some pics of the eyelash extensions? I'd love to see this and also, how much are they?
  11. Awwwe! Thanks so much...I had fun making those for your little one. Please be sure to send me some pics of her "Cindaellllaaa bifthday" party. I'd love to see everything all put together and the look on her face! Thanks so much! I am getting ready to post some new stuff soon. I'll have it here on Pcom as well.
  12. Sage...these are wonderful! I love the vintage cups and the fun look with the candles! And you're right...funky, fun candles do suit you wonderfully!
  13. Loneliness Beast...perfect name for it. It is a beast and it's horrible. Good blog and thanks for your willingness to be transparent on this issue.
  14. So far I like the name "Crazy 4 Crochet" the best. Have you decided yet? Looks like you've already got your fan club going!
  15. I love your displays and everything looks really good! Hope it was a good show for everyone. I meant to drop by but my errands kept me busy til the show was almost over.
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