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Status Updates posted by Bouquet

  1. iT IS NICE TO FIND YOUR PREVIOUS NAME. I WAS STARTING TO GET LONELY. Now I can look for more recent post. Thank you so much for bumping my stars. Errr, what does that mean? I am still in a med fog and have forgotten a lot of what I used to know. God Bless!

  2. I miss you. Do you have a new PC name?

  3. Nearly 5 years after you posted a song from Natalie Grant, I am still listening too it and thinking of my boys.

    Thank you. It still has a way of soothing the soul.


  4. diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Have had 4 IV Chemos and I am also on my 4 round of chemo pills. With the grace of God all signs of the cancer around my liver, spleen and kidneys has disapeared! Just the under arms and in my chest near my heart are left. God has been so wonderful to me!

  5. Just wanted to let you know that you and your family have not been forgotten. I hope you will excuse me, but I do not remember many of the faces during that time. If not for the reminders in the form of notes here, I would be in trouble.

    Thanks again for your care and prayers.

    Denise aka Nana

  6. Many times I go back through notes that have been left to me. Today I read again the poem you sent me about the Sweet Angel Child.

    This still touches my heart. Thank you.

  7. Love you .... thinking of you today!

    God bless, Denise

  8. You've been on my mind, hope you are ok. *****

  9. Oh duh.... what came to tell you is that your page will not let me invite you or me ask you to be my friend... so you will have to send me and invitation.

    My name is listed as Denise Chastain Bass.

    Sweet Dreams

  10. Wednesday at 9am I have to see my dentist to have a couple of teeth removed. He has already gotten 3 of them.

    Thursday at 9:15 I will be having a breast biopsy done.

    Depending on what the dentist has planed after his work in the morning, if I don't see him for I days,I have to go to another doctor.He wants to run some kind of tube from mouth to my small intestines. Want to go do...

  11. Hi Debra!

    I happen to love Waffle House coffee and it is just around the corner from me as well. Ours is the second subdivision on Due West Rd after you turn off of Dallas/Acworth.

    It would be wonderful to meet there and have coffee!

    Let me give you my home phone number. 678-363-4518

    This way you can give me a shout when you have time to meet with me.

  12. I am so happy to be me... I am a child of God, can you see?

  13. Thanks for the hug. I have seen the Care pages also and have now been banned from Ashton's Care Pages. I am letting go of all she has put us through since the accident by writing it all out. Just wait, I will copy it from my FB to here shortly. It is really bad. Every time I think of all this, I get a headache. It is time to let go and let God have all of it.

    Again, thanks for the hug!!

  14. Thinking of you!

    God bless!

  15. I wanted to say hello and that I have been thinking of you! God bless

  16. Just dropping by to say welcome and ty for your note and prayers.

  17. Thank you so much for the picture! And I hope you know how much we appreciate your help on the ramp for Ashton.

  18. LOL, If you were at our home today, I can almost guess who you are... But how about a profile at least?

    God bless,


  19. I am a loyal person, if I am your friend, I am a commited friend. Woe to the fool who tries to bring you harm.

    Oh no!! I did not see me on friends list! Woe is me!!

    lol.... you shy? Get outta here!

    Have a wonderful day!

  20. Hi!

    How are you and your family doing? Sure hope the rain lately has given your garden a boost. LOL, it has helped our weeds.

    Drop in sometime!

  21. Thank you so much for your visit today. You children are so sweet! Thank all of you for the things you brought Ashton. He fell asleep on the beanbag. Sleeping so contentedly. God bless you all.

  22. Just dropped in to tell you hello!

    Sweet dreams and God bless.

  23. Just dropped in to tell you hello!

    Sweet dreams and God bless.

  24. Just dropped in to tell you hello!

    Sweet dreams and God bless.

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