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Everything posted by 1969james

  1. The fireman said if the breaker had not done its job the house would have burnt and because we are so far off the road that it would burn before they could get the first drop of water on it. But praise God all is well and the water is back on so my Angel is happy
  2. My name is Charlie Dobbs, the Charlie in Charlies Angels, we are the directors over the food pantry at our church, Simple Gospel. We accept donations for yard sales to raise money to buy food to give to those in need. Ever thing we earn goes to buy food, we are open for the food pantry fridays from 6:30-8:00 and during the summer for families with children 16 and under tuesday from 9:00-11:00. We average assisting 40-50 families per week with food, clothing and furniture when available. We accept anything that is good condition, we will also schedule a day and time that is at your convien
  3. I don't wear those cause they don't match my eyes and they look like they would be hard to walk a construction sight in but i do know you can soak a new pair of boots in water and then wear them dry and they will fit perfect
  4. Try the Nascar speed park, my kids love it they can ride all day for a set price, I don't remember how much but it was not bad for all day and you can leave and come back Oh and I am jealous, we have been wanting to go but just can't save up the extra money right now, have fun
  5. me too, just curious who all I did meet that I didn't know I met I was the one doing the cotton candy, probably met more kids than anyone else
  6. I want to send out a special thank you to Cape Crusader, the coupon clipper contest, all PCOM and everyone that helped and donated to this cause. Not only was there food and money raised and donated this event brought alot of awareness to the need in our community about the need to help the hungry. I am the director, me and my wife Charlies Angels and we see the need and I cannot thank you enough. It was a group effort and we at Simple Gospel Church will continue for this cause with more events to follow. Thanks to all, may God's blessings be upon everyone involved
  7. Where is this store located, you said it is a new business maybe I need to check it out
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