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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Staying in that area may be hard,might have to expand her choices. Where does she work at?
  2. I have recently returned from a trip,I stayed at two different hotels. But neither one of there swimming pools were working. Then here at at sav-a ton the bathrooms were out of order. While on the trip I stopped at a quick stop and there bathrooms were not working. All had one common factor,all were owned by people from the middle east. What do you think?
  3. I also did,I would support him again. But noooo they prefer a criminal from the dark side
  4. Look you may say what you want america is still free,you seem to like her how long have you been from the dark side?
  5. I left home six months after graduation,I was on the delayed entry program.I went through my girlfriends,told them that I may not return home. The vietnam conflict was still going on. So there could be some Animals walking this earth. Couldn't wait to spread my wings and the Air Force was my way out of the back hills of North Carolia. Basic training was a reality check.
  6. I would vote for Heidi,Whitey I live close to you off ridge road. I would drive anywhere for your home grown goodness.
  7. I am sooo glad,someone that is a law abiding citizen. Now we might restore our respect at the round house.
  8. She is a criminal,plain and simple. We deserve better than her to represent us. How can she help make laws when she is breaking them. Wake up and see this as a criminal representing our interests. Just say no to the thug,and criminal.
  9. Well none of the canidates have come forward about the tunnels. How come they have avoided it,next chance I get I will ask the canidates there stand on it. I thought when I became union president I could get the workers going. I am tired of being put on the back burner.
  10. Ok people I would like Bill to tell the whole story,,this would be a case where our elected officials are not voicing what the people want. The hope program gives so many the chance that many could not ever get. I am hoping that there is bad information. Then taking what he says go from there
  11. Thank you,there is hope and by your reply is a good example. If every one was more into electing the person and less into the party.There is good people out there that may lack experience but are well grounded and love Paulding. And welcome to P.Com
  12. It's sad to imagine her in office,but the local GOP loves her and supports her. Virgina and company thanks for you supporting a criminal. People we can't allow this convict to be re-elected,what message are we sending? The dark side is showing there power now we deserve better.
  13. Animal


    Oh my we all have issues
  14. Awhile back I read an article about coffee,it said it was changing it's beans from one type to another. Well I have noticed my maxwell house and folgers has changed. The taste and strength,I put my normal three scoops in per 10 cups and it is stronger. I have cut back to two scoops and still tastes different,has anyone else noticed this change?
  15. Animal


    I am just starting to understand but it can get serious,health problem etc. Now I thing we are all some what a pack rat but not like my dear ole mother. I am compulsive for used coffee cans and things on sale like laundry soap. My wife pointed out to me we had 9 spares I said honey they were on sale..
  16. Animal


    I am going through the legal process in the near future.
  17. Animal


    It get's to you,when I returned back home I cleaned out my closet in fear of becomming a hoarder. It sticks to my mind and I ask what can you do?
  18. Animal


    That was great I could relate to that. The person I am speaking about is my mother. It is terrible,stacked as high as it can go. She is a good person but her hoarding is starting to cause bad problems. I feel that because of there age 80"s it has altered there sound judgement. Since I am an only child I may be forced to go through social services to clean it up. My poor father is going through it because Mother rules the house. I am going to learn more and more about this in time to come.
  19. Animal


    Both people are in there 80"s,it was a real eye opener.
  20. Ok people let's get real here,is Paulette in the race? does the local party enjoy having her as part of the society. Since Virgina does the baby sitting for her,then why not run herself. Even though she is from the dark side she isn't in trouble with the law.
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