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Everything posted by laureenslilbit

  1. They make the best Stombolis. My mouth is watering just thinking about it, and their salads are real good too.
  2. How many times did his dog get out without a leash?
  3. Thanks, my kids have cd's with that bank. Other than that we do not have any accounts.
  4. Probably a stupid question, but what does this mean to the account holders?
  5. So what happened to you today? We were all waiting. I hope everything is OK.
  6. I will go with you, if you want. That way we can freak out together and she can think we are both weird.
  7. When is her flight? I don't think you are weird. I hate driving there at night.
  8. I can't remember, it is either Strawberrypie or her partner. Maybe you can PM her. I can't think of her partners name if I do I will let you know.
  9. Did you speak to a supervisor? I am not sure that they can just cancel your account like that, especially if you have another address that you can use. There are several mail box places that all carriers pick up from. How many pick ups a day do you have? Maybe you can explain to them that not only will they be losing your buiness, but the business of all the people that drop off to you. Since there is not another location nearby you will just have to convince all your Fedex customers to ship UPS.
  10. For those of you who were wondering, she sprained her foot. He said she needs to take it easy for the next week. No Sports for 5-7 days. Instead of being happyb that it was not broken she was upset because she couldn't play softball for a week. Go figure, Kids!
  11. change the address on your Fedex account to your home address or ask a buisness neighbor if you can use their address for Fedex pickups.
  12. We went to Tanner, last time we went to Paulding we sat there for hours just for them to tell us they couldn't read the X-Ray and to take her to an Ortho. Tanner is much better, but very busy tonight. Thanks everyone for your well wishes.
  13. Thanks, we hope nothing is broken either. Its not really that swollen, but she says it hurts really bad. We are hoping she bruised the bone or just hit the tendon and irritated it.
  14. I just wanted to let you know that I probably won't be there tomorrow. My daughter hurt her foot and I need to take her to the hospital first thing in the morning to have it X-rayed. I just got back from taking her and there was a 6 hr wait to be seen so we left. I may be able to meet later if anyone wants to meet up in the late morning, let me know. My number is in my profile.
  15. I hope you will be going there to sell all your clothes, from all the weight you are going to lose walking.
  16. I think I will try to come this morning.
  17. Where is the closest office to obtain a license/state ID ? Thanks
  18. Cobb County schools start Monday. Paulding County starts on the 17th. Doesn't your child need a nice new lunch box? lol
  19. *****Updated 08/03/09******* Sorry I left out a whole page of my specials.
  20. This is a great deal and all it requires is you sending out e-mails.
  21. Hey all, I will be placing a Tupperware order today. If anyone is interested in placing an order with me, please let me know by 5 pm. Here is a link to some of the specials that are going on right now: Sales link or you can visit my website: Tupperware by Laureen. Thanks for all your support!
  22. HOST AN ON-LINE PARTY AND GET ONE OF THESE FABULOUS LUNCH SETS FREE!! Host an on-line party and receive a great lunch set with $200 in sales. Send e-vites to all your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. You can even send e-vites to people you know out of state. What a great way to earn free tupperware!! Not only will you receive free tupperware, but when you reach $200 in sales you earn 10% of your party sales to-wards your purchase. The more sales the more savings. Your on-line party will last for 2 weeks, so click on the party link below and start your on-line party to
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