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Posts posted by Gone

  1. Actually the train theme came from a Negative Campaign ad That was ran By Mr, Shearin in the closing days of the election, That incensed some Prominent Local Politicans.


    Last night as the returns were being called into the Austin Campaign Office, Every Time David Swept a Polling place, A Loud train Whistle was Blown. Thus the train Theme, Also the Johnny Cash Song of Folsom Prison, was being Played through out the Square



    I know! That is what is so sweet about it! :yahoo:


    That: train track and "you" add angered me because he drug Boyd through the mud by insinuating he was corrupt, or had corrupt thoughts... Thank you to all who did the research. Maybe we can now take a breath and catch up to our growth. :good:

  2. I didnt say there was or wasnt one, I was more interested in whether or not people thought this was supportive of the troops.


    Many of the soldiers who have returned that I have spoken to say that as they help the people of Iraq, there is less hate of Americans. It is not Iraqi soldiers that they are helping, as much as the kids and families. I have known two soldiers who (almost 4 years ago) worked with the local community to get shoes and clothes shipped over for kids who had no shoes, and little clothing to get through the winter. That changes the hearts of the local people. That is how we will win the war. If the people believe Americans are there to help and give them prosperity perhaps the common people will help give up the terrorists. If the people wanted Americans to help them, perhaps more intelligence that would help end the war would come from the local people. The good ole' boys...can't get much done until you have their support! :p



    Dictators keep their power by controlling the people. As Iranians become more involved in a world market it is only a matter of time until they want change – demand change. They have been told Americans are evil, but I guarantee they would love to live here in the USA. If their opinion is based off the goods they purchase from us...and they want to be a player in the world economy, maybe prosperity will stop their aggression. If you have ever listened to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he’s a wing nut… but he seems to also be intelligent and he fancies himself as a scholar. He wants to participate in the world, so maybe by letting his country have a taste of US goods, more political pressure to do what the world wants him to do will be effective.


    Hopefully powers within his own country will eventually get rid of him. I don’t want to have our troops fight in Iran also! So yeah, sell a few goods to them… I do not think sanctions have worked so well in Cuba. I believe the black market prospers the dictators at the expense of the people? Look at the Oil-for-Food... Some evidence suggests that billions were made from Oil-for-Food. The scandal engulfing the United Nations Procurement Department and the Oil-for-Food Programme allegedly involved Al-Qaeda finance operations... so free market Trade is better for our troops ...IMHO :pardon:


    OK… I started out to have fun with this… you wanted serious… now I am just depressed! :nea:


  3. We have a trade deficit, why shouldn't we take some of the money out of their economy?


    When will we realize the more conspicuous consumers other countries become the more it helps us...let them ruin their economy by overspending, accumulating debt, and feeling entitle to all the newest material goods!


    Not even Americans buy our products anymore! Now that our dollar is so weak, I understand our goods are becoming a deal in other countries.


    Now, I do not think we should sell weapons and such to them. But what’s wrong with cigarettes?


    They should have the same healthcare costs, and reduction in productivity due to illnesses caused by cigarettes that we enjoy here in the U.S. :p In fact I can not think of a better weapon of mass destruction than cigarettes. =@ Harder to quit than crack, and an ongoing revenue supply for the southern states! :rofl: We can do like they do with oil…first increase the amount of nicotine (dependence), then increase the amount it cost for a pack of cigarettes. Let them know the cost is going up because transportation and farm equipment cost so much to run due to fuel prices. Then when fuel prices come down tell them that speculators feel that China and India are also larger consumers of cigarettes so the speculators have caused the prices to rise again in hopes of higher sales of cigarettes. :drinks:


    So where is the problem? :good: 8)


  4. Those of you new to the state won't know that it was only a few years ago that the option in the general election to vote a straight "Party" ticket was taken off. (i.e. check here to vote for all republican/democrat candidates on this ballot)


    Oh, and the closed primary question would be to ensure that voters like yourselves that changed ballots would NOT be able to do that, therefore if your party didn't have a candidate, it would be selected for you. Not good in my opinion.




    I was surprised when a neighbor told me he voted as a Democrat so he could vote for Obama, so Hillary was not the winner.... even though he is a Republican. I do not think that is fair, but I do not think it is common. I did not know there used to be an option to have a full ballot.


    Other large cities (over 1 million people) have a full ballot. You do choose your party for the ballot, however the local offices are nonpartisan... you have all local candidates to choose from ® or (D). And it does not say the candidate is ® or (D) You, in essence, have a full ballot and vote for the person you believe will do the best job... not the only candidate that your party happened to get stuck with, or the one that no one ran against. With the local candidates being nonpartisan more qualified candidates run.


    I think in Paulding the local politicians have more pressure to find out what the people want. That is why 10 years or so ago all the candidates changed to Republicans... Now I am not sure if it was in name or in deed? If they ran as a Democrat no one got the Democratic ballot so they had no chance for anyone to vote for them? Just MHO


  5. I'm not saying that, but . . .


    I think the office should be monitored consistently. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that even has an odor of inappropriateness, should be televised and documented. Heck! I think we need a Nanny Cam in all their offices and official vehicles!


    Maybe they should be required to be recorded and videotaped everytime they are discussing any county business at any location, and it be available at no charge as a part of open records act. And agree to be fined $10,000 for the first violation of this act. Increasing to $25,000 for the second offense, $50,000 for a third, $100,000 for a fourth, $250,000 for a fifth, and $500,000 + 5 years for the sixth.


    Since we started with a train theme... I guess that is where the expression ride them out on a rail. Get rid of them quick because they can not be trusted!


    Your camera idea has been done :glare: <_< it is called reality TV! ....perhaps we should install video feed to p.com so all can watch and Pubby can sell subscriptions! Haaa haa haaah :o :D :yahoo:


    It might be a long 6 months?! :ninja: It should resemble the last month, continuous turning over of rocks to make sure there are no slugs. Not sure if an ethics board can enforce fines?


  6. There should be a challenge made to the current commissioners to hold Shearin at task. They should vote to seat an Ethics board immediately and charge them with oversight of the chairman for the reminder of the year. It will be in their best interest for their hope of re-election.



    How is an ethics board chosen? Any Lawyers who are not on the current payroll...dole?

  7. Yes, change has been started, but all of us still have a job to do.



    For those races where there is not a candidate in November, we also have to watch what those who lost do, six months is a lot of time to do more damage before the officers take office in January.


    I think this point is key... What might happen at the BOC in the next six months.... what recourse do the citizens have to make sure more of Jerry's shady deals are not entered into by the county? :( :huh: :angry2: :wacko: :angry2:


  8. (results from yesterday) "A barrel of light, sweet crude dropped $6.44 to settle at $138.74 on the New York Mercantile Exchange as traders bet that the weak economy in the United States and elsewhere will take its toll on global demand."


    An increase of $6 a barrel would show instant increases at the pump. Why does the inverse not hold?


    I'm so glad I work at home.


    Because they can keep it high and we still go fill up our tanks…. Up or down we still have to use fuel since few of us live over the store we work at, or on the land we own. Lucky you to work at home!!! But for most, those days are gone. It will be interesting to see if congress votes to open up off shore drilling. Not an immediate solution, but maybe one that will start us back on a road to getting back in the game. Oil represents about 35 percent of total energy use in the U.S., however it accounts for 99 percent of transportation fuel. That is why prices rarely come down. … It sucks! :angry2:

  9. Are there any teeth to the law that requires them to take down the signs they put up? Such as fines? :huh: <_<


    I don't know exactly if there is a law or not, but we are in the truck today taking them down. If you see some of mine still out tomorrow I missed it. Please pull it up an trash it. :D






    Thank you for the follow through! :p :D

  10. Maybe someone can put together a medley of all these songs for Jerry (key words and riffs) and Pubby can post it with the announcements of the winners and LOOSERS!


    All of the ideas for songs are classic...good job everyone! :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :good: :clapping: :yahoo:

  11. I agree!! I want a full ballot, I hate having to choose, and not even a full choice either...just repub or dem.


    And I didn't know you voted by me! That is my voting place :)


    I have lived in large cities and the local elections are not partisan in the respect that you get a full ballot; all candidates run against each other... You may know their voting records, which party they affiliate with, but you do not have to choose a party for your vote... The ballot will not say that they are Democrat or Republican.


    Here in GA I know Democrats who now switched to Republican so they can vote in the local elections for the primary. The local elections are much more important in the primary because very few positions will be decided in November. I guess this way prevents anyone from registering as an Independent in Georgia?!!?


    After watching all the Democrats become Republicans not long after we moved here, I still do not know why the elections here are not a full ballot where you vote for the guy or gal you think will represent you the best! IMHO :D


  12. they still call you even if you are not registered, so they need to go ahead and register.


    I think it is a weak excuse! :angry2: The guy complained when the boss asked if anyone needed to go vote, the boss said "Every year you complain, but you never register to vote, so your not going anywhere." It was done lightheartedly, but my son and others said "Why don't you register so you can vote?"


    I know my son will tell him tomorrow that the courts do not only get your name from voter registration. Doubt it will move him to become an involved citizen though! :nea:

  13. I was talking to some of the pole workers today and they said they were only execting 30% of the registered voters to vote today. Why do people not feel that it is important to go out and vote?


    Someone my son works with said he will not register to vote because he does not want Jury Duty? Wouldn’t our driver’s license also push that information to the courts?? In my opinion that is a lame excuse not to vote!!! But then it made me wonder how many others held that same fear of being called to Jury Duty? It is a civic duty that no one wants, but maybe that is why young people do not register?



  14. Simply put. Richardson is running unopposed on the Republican ballot. He is sooo disliked that nearly half of those voting on the republican ballot are not even voting for him at all. B)


    There was no way I was voting for him... arrogant self serving politician... years ago I had a different view of him. There were other unopposed that I also did not vote for as a sign of protest.... don't know if they will get it?

  15. In our society only those that can cause fear or tug at our heart for help (Poor polar bears,) can convince society of their agenda. Al Gore has done a great job of that.


    Too often time is what shows the lies for what they are. I have not believed in global warming because I was a child of the 70’s who remembers the dire predictions of an ice age...…guess what? ... it never happened! If you wait long enough, like most fads, this too will pass. But as they show in the article.... what do we loose as a society as we pursue a dead end. Just as I fear pursuing bio fuels made out of our food source are causing even more economic stress on the world. Who is going to repay society for this waste of resources? Many articles I have read state man does better in warmer climates, food grows better, longer and more robust with more CO2. We could be going into a cooling, not a heating on the earth…which is normal for the earth. Man can not control these changes. Seas have been higher and lower. It is insulting that those that need funding to keep getting research grants prey on society by creating fear.


    Not to mention the money that is going to be taken out of the world economy to pay for carbon tax… what a waste.


    If our weather and climatologists could actually predict weather, I might believe what they say…. But too much is still unknown. They hardly can predict a week at a time… let alone 20 or 50 years… in fact some of the scientists (environmentalists) of the 70’s predicted by now the earth would be destroyed, all of our animal species would be extinct.


    Currently we do not understand the way the sun, sun spots, volcanoes- their heat and gasses, the oscillation of the oceans, the winds around the earth,and land masses affect the climate. It is so dynamic, we think with our technology we “know”… in 50 or 1000 years people will look back and see that in 2008 we did not have all the information we needed to understand the things impacting our weather and climate, and yet we were legislating things that made no sense and harmed rather than helped society.


    If you want to see the other side of the global warming debate also looks at:



    There are many different theories to counter what the ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, and NY Times type media spit out. Politics and Power do not always have the best interest of the people!

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