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Everything posted by Baileybleu

  1. Did you put that note or does every cm have that note? I am lost- again lol
  2. congrats even though I do not know what it is
  3. So weird. I know I looked on here and someone responded, but now the post has vanished. Am I seeing things?
  4. Any recommendations? Please do not just give a CM name unless you have used them. I need a good, reliable painter. Thanks
  5. lol He would like it- We will be in Chatt- Why not? We can go and then head home. And I will not make him. I will just highly suggest it
  6. I think you have to be talking about something else. I would not call this property beautiful- As it has chain link fencing for dogs and once a horse?? - next to a trailer- dog crap every where- smells like crap in and around that house- and they have a beautiful view of a greyish blue house with a pond in front that looks like a junk yard. Needs more than a paint job. I lived near here once before and I had taken my dog there to get a hair cut. I left bc it was a hole. OP- I do not know what it was before. I think it was WW the whole time I lived im my old house and I wa
  7. I doubt it unless they gave it to me and I did not know. I will call and ask though. Thanks! We are dying here with no frig. I keep mising Pate's return calls and I keep calling. So we keep missing each other. My ded is only $500 bucks so I am not sure if Pates will be that much
  8. So glad to see this post. I'm taking my husband and kids this weekend for fathers day. It is a surprise and they don't know where we are going;)
  9. Yeah. IDK? It seems fine? If I file a claim will they come look at the wiring. How does it even strike. Everything else in my kitchen works.
  10. Does anyone come check these for free or is there always a charge? Sat night when it stormed the loudest lightening hit at my house and scared us all to death. I heard a loud pop. My dishwasher will not stop running and my frig went out- The fans running but nothing is cold. This really sucks because these appliance are fairly new. The dishwasher I just bought a year ago and are nice appliances. So has anyone had experience with this? Are they fried and I have to replace. Or could it be fixed? Is it worth placing on homeowners? I have never had a claim and I assume this wou
  11. Oh- you thought I thought I did not know if we had one at all I meant a energy efficient one lol I called my husband and he said it was put in 2006 and to go read the label lol Ours says 78 degrees and it feels cool- not cold but coolish
  12. I know! lol Why am I not so funny? I do not know what I have- I thought maybe it came with the house IDK? lol What am I not getting? good lol
  13. We have been in the house a year. I was not sure if it came with it
  14. Sounds about right with you then. My house is that same size about.I do not know if we have HVAC put in though- I would have to ask hubs and we are with greystone
  15. I just got mine in the mail. I am trying to see if #1 if I am paying what I should and #2 seeing if all of my " green star appliances and enviro friendly lightbulbs" are saving me money bc we have spent a lot on them. $101.16 for current reading- 5/26 16464 previous reading on 4/26 $10.97 serv charge $48.10 tier w1 650 kwh .74 $25.20 tier w2 350 $.32 tier w3 .0637 $9.95 pca .009897 then tax 6.62
  16. i sent to my friends- i have a bunch of cali friends. Praying for safe return!
  17. Like her fb page http://www.facebook.com/D8Melanie?sk=wall
  18. I guess this is why there are so many crazy people in paulding (per momof3 thread) At least everyone is not alone
  19. Everyone will just think you are weirder than you are already
  20. Question- Are both your parents in your life currently? I know two people that have lost their parents and they do not sleep well. Both seem to have occured around the time they lost them. Just a thought it could maybe have something to do with that- The anxiety of it. I do not sleep well either. I do not see things. I just have really bad dreams and a lot of time I will wake up with this fear of something. Like something bad is about to happen. My mom is not my life. Just seems we all have this common ground of not having a parent there. I am not a doctor. (obviously) Just a though
  21. Yeah. You could also go to Arbor Place Movies 278 Hwy 278 at Metromont Road, Hiram, GA 30141 Add to My TheatersMapOnline Ticketing Not Available for this Theater I always read the hidden details on these coupon sites.
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