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Everything posted by lumak

  1. Everything seems to be okay on the laptop -- but that is with XP. When I tried earlier today on my desktop which runs VISTA -- it froze up and I couldn't get in. I will try that one again later tonight or tomorrow.
  2. This will take some getting used to for sure
  3. I would LOVE to learn about this. I find it extremely interesting
  4. ::cue music::: Stand...by me. Ooohhh Stand by me. Oh stand...stand....stand by me. :::end music::: but you better be wearing some mittens cuz I don't wanna see ANY exposed fingers that might get tugged on by accident
  5. yeah - but I was trying to keep this G rated...or PG13 at best
  6. that was my Mister T impersonation Totally sucked I need
  7. Did anyone else get a really cool mental image of a flying pumpkin????
  8. Does anybody have a quarter I could borrow so I can call someone who cares? Has anyone called 867-5309 to see if Jenny is still there?
  9. Reminds me of the movie...The Happening....... M. Night Shamalamadingdong makes some CRAZY movies!
  10. Am I having another identity crisis? Do you hear what I hear? Whooooooo are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?
  11. Yay Karen!!! You are a blabbermouth
  12. Do you undastand da wauds dat ah comin outta my mouf?
  13. Missed you both! You are you guys doing?
  14. Why did you not come to lunch today?
  15. did I really have to eat the entire plate of food at lunch today?????
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