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Everything posted by lumak

  1. It is quite obvious he has gone off his meds....
  2. Holy snot balls batman! I would sweat to death and die if mine were set at 78! I keep my AC set at 72 in the summer (it is summer year round down here in the south.....hehehe) I want a couple of those....how much are those types of thermostats?
  3. I don't know nuttin...you didn't see me do it...you can't prove a thing
  4. I might skeert summa yutes!
  5. :rofl: :rofl: somebody died at the end...that's all I'm saying......
  6. :rofl: Okay...I edited/corrected the thread title and also the info.... :rofl:
  7. http://adam.sandler.mediafetcher.com/news/top_stories/actor_skiing.php Actor - Adam Sandler Dies In Snowboard Accident THIS STORY IS STILL DEVELOPING... Actor Adam Sandler is reported to have died shortly after a snowboard accident earlier today - September 8, 2012. The actor & novice snowboarder was vacationing at the Zermatt ski resort in Zermatt, Switzerland with family and friends. Witnesses indicate that Adam Sandler lost control of his snowboard and struck a tree at a high rate of speed. Adam Sandler was air lifted by ski patrol teams to a local hospital, how
  8. Adam Sandler died in a snowboarding accident.......possibly.....for the 9th time (if it is true it is very sad...if not true the publicity worked)
  9. Oh it was sooooo wonderful!! I have like over 400 pics! You have to come to my fb page
  10. I am headed out to do my 'nuther job! I will check back in tonight!
  11. you have just one? :rofl: You iz so vewy vewy speshul
  12. Do you guys need to just get a room?!?!?!? I bet we could post for donations in the community chest...KNOW THE FACTS!!! :rofl:
  13. HOLY SNOTBALLS BATMAN!!! We got to the 2nd page of posts and the only bad thing that has happened is Lady Raider has neglected her duties in the HH, TP is using party poper's while pooping koolaid and letting it all hang out, and LPPT was blinded by a hair beast on the beach! Rocking start to the afternoon!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo:
  14. :help: Lowrider!!! LPPT needs and STAT!
  15. I didn't do it...you didn't see me...you can't prove a thing.....
  16. You should never mix party poper's with pooping koolaid...that just sounds dangerous! especially when you are letting it all hang out! :rofl:
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