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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I am clueless too... what is it?
  2. nekkid doggie ( I gave him a summer cute )
  3. My friend got the new back flip thingie one last week and just took it back yesterday..she hated it. I am waiting till Nov so I can upgrade to an iphone.. woot
  4. I am not a big Sheryl Crow fan but I LOVE her song " Saok Up The Sun"
  5. oh snap... hahaha I can't believe you went there... tooo funny do we have the same neighbor ... ha
  6. well that is no fun... I wanna be like pauly shore in the movie Jury Duty...hahaha
  7. I found out that another pcommer has it the same time I do.. yeah. I will have a friend
  8. it isn't anything bad... it is just how one carries them self http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=swagger
  9. ok... so when I get tired or bored all I need to do is act crazy... got it
  10. She called me asked me what her swagger was and I busted out laughing.. she got mad and hung up on me then called my mommy and told on me....My mom started laughing and she hung up on her too... then my mommy calls me laughing and I have to explain what swagger is to her so she can call my granny and tell her what it means.. :rofl: what has an older person in your life called to ask you that made you laugh?
  11. yeah with me being a retired teacher ( ha) I know I will not get picked for anything school related
  12. I was having a debate about super hero's yesterday and my DD told me they are are old and then sent me this picture. Atleast they still want to serve and protect...all dressed up and nowhere to go May fave is spider man... but he isn't in this picture
  13. heck for $10 an hour I will come do it.. haha
  14. lol... I don't blog I just use my facebook status... I am super excited.. Chad says I am a goober because Jury duty is boring
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