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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. someone did this to my Cousin ... she found out who did it because the used it to hot glue another sign over it to make a Yard Sale sihn.. needless to say she showed up to the yard sale.. it wasn't purdy
  2. I am the only one here that love Modern Family as well... my family is just lame...haha another show I like is The Middle...yeppers you guessed it I am the only one that likes that one too
  3. the crowds and stuffiness is why I will never go during a holiday again
  4. Raising Hope... lol that is a funny show. I like it but nobody else does in the fam.. I guess that is why I have my DVR box and my hubby and daughter have theirs ( they share)
  5. it is very pretty anytime of year. I went at Christmas one time and it was the most people I have ever seen in my life anywhere...lol so just be ready for lines and cattle herding of people. I normal do not recommend going to Micky D's but go to the Builtmore one... it is very spiffy...so spiffy it made the travel channel
  6. btw..IDk if you care of not but I am very ticked with you!!! VERY
  7. does this mean you never watched 90210 either...lol I sooo loved that show
  8. hahah wow this was like 15 years ago I know this is not what you meant but it is the only pic of one of my pumpkins I have
  9. btw I have shopped at a store called that before a long time ago in Minnesota so you might wanna check the trademark on that...sorry I am a buzz kill too.. haha I forgot about that until the little birdie/Ashlyn was looking over my shoulder and chimed in
  10. I am the least creative person on the board... so I am no help but good luck
  11. I just checked her FB and she does spell is Darry.. ha I am just a goober and couldn't remember Did you S.E. Hinton was the nurse when Johnny was in the hospital My name was suppose to be Dana but my mom was so drugged up at the time when the nurse asked her what she wanted to name me She called out Elizabeth like 3 times. So my dad signed off on it and he got in trouble the next day when my mom came out/recovered of her drug induced delivery My dad had the Walton's on the TV and Grandma Walton was calling for Elizabeth at the time and so that was the 1st thing my mom really he
  12. The only thing I really liked was Time Warp! I could of done without the other... I did also like Britney and Santana spying oh Shu too
  13. Glee last night.... It just got on my last nerve...My dh and dd thinks I am nuts for saying it sucked
  14. i taught her sumfin new on her fb today too...so lawd help us
  15. I got the same message... had to go into my settings and fix that
  16. A homemade pizza pie that nobody is here to eat...
  17. ok... I lied!!!! The AC is no on!!!! grrrrrrrr
  18. the best part of this movie is the end.... because I got to leave and go home...lol
  19. but now that he has decided to come out a play I have to go run an errand
  20. yeah or either knocking a few back so you could put up with us
  21. lol, you don't have too silly willy... I was just telling you why I don't like it ya goober
  22. noooo I hate that word!!! lol SOme people like to act uber dumb and switch out the W with another letter and that irks me!!!
  23. he is on fb now..lol but I guess he is tooo skeerd to come here
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