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Everything posted by bearbearsnanny

  1. AMEN! I am so sick of hearing that Obama took him out! He was probably watching basketball and eating fried chicken at the time.
  2. I was so glad to read this. I really hope this means we won't have another four years! http://mdjonline.com/bookmark/18963630/article-Plug+the+leaks+%E2%80%94+Security+spills+come+back+to+haunt+Obama
  3. I wouldn't live in a liberal county either. We have lived in Paulding for over 20 years and I am proud of the fact we are conservative!! I would think that when our personal and national resources are low(ie jobs and savings) we SHOULD be conservative and cautious with our money and in our actions. I will take the title "19th most conversative county in the country" as a compliment.
  4. I don't understand why you say that like its a bad thing. Conservative to me simply means tradtional, moderate and cautious. Why would having tradional values and a cautious outlook be frowned upon?
  5. Its great to have a fellow paulding neighbor so close! I actually work in the King Plow building, if you know where that is. I thought that area so one of the most dangerous in the city too. I won't stay there after dark but we do have security people walking around.
  6. I don't believe it either, this would mean I shouldn't go shopping after dark, or use the ATM at the bank in the dark...which I do all the time without worry. There is no way our violent crime rate is worse than Atlanta.
  7. I ran across this while checking on the crime rates where I work, which is off Lowery Blvd and the intersection with Bankhead hwy. I thought I was in a bad area at work....turns out I am in worse danger at home. LOL http://www.homesurfer.com/crimereports/view/crimereportlistranking.cfm?state=GA
  8. We could try an intervention. Maybe just me, but he really is kinda funny.
  9. Wow, no wonder we have a zero rating. LOL, was it a book about Sherman destroying SC by chance?
  10. it was double coupon day... I am sure that somebody on the boards here have unpaid library fines too. That will drag down our rating real fast.
  11. I used an expired coupon last week. That may have done some serious damage too.
  12. LOL....Were your ancestors the ones that told Sherman to go burn down SC? I love that story, it is so stupid.
  13. alrighty then, I figured you were going to tell us the one about Sherman and SC. That is favorite story.
  14. Well TP, that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Still funny tho. like a SNL Roseanne Roseannadanna kinda funny.
  15. ROFL...TP cracks me up!! I have never known anyone with such a one track mind, and shameless in the constant chatter about it.
  16. Oh good grief. I am starting to believe that TP just has a twisted sense of humor and likes to get on peoples nerves. Sometimes I just laugh when I read his posts.
  17. the cause is great but come on....quiet it down for the sake of those of us who have to be up for work at four AM.
  18. Thank you...nice to have a little understanding. It is late and I have no idea when this will end. You can even hear bits and pieces over the tv inside.
  19. Maybe you should come sit on my back porch and try to relax...It is just TO LOUD...you can raise money without all the noise at night.
  20. My dogs are going nuts....I want to open my back door and scream SHUT UP!!!!
  21. I hate to complain if this is the horrible racket that my family has been hearing for hours but enoughs enough. WTH. We live in St Charles Estates off 61 and you can't even hear your dinner conversation over the noise.
  22. Georgia Dawg...hope you don't mind...I just borrowed you NOPE 2012 and Excuse me logos for my facebook wall...sorry I couldn't resist.
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