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Posts posted by akre0023

  1. This is interesting.


    Do you all remember the case not long ago here in Villa Rica (I think) where a judge did not allow a lady of a faith that required her face to be covered to wear her religious garments in the courtroom or while testifiying?


    I can see how both garments, the nun and the lady here in GA, would effect a person's decison regarding a conviction.

  2. Not me, I think they just opened yesterday... she is not CM so her topic was made poof....



    Yea, I noticed that. I wish her great success.

    It is amazing what a CM can do for a new business.

  3. Advice from a realtor under the table (though it usually draws a lot of politically correct arguments): Be at the entrance of a subdivision when the school buses drop the kids off in the afternoon. You will then know how many potential problems there are in that neighborhood.




    Actually, we are hoping there are some younger kids for our youngest to play with when she is not at school.

    Kids do not equal trouble. It is the parents of the kids that set the example that cause the trouble. I would hate to think that someone would look at my 2 and think that they have something to be concerned about. I have found, from many years of teaching, that there are generally many more good kids than their are trouble making kids.

  4. He is a adorable. Enjoy this time and cherrish it with everything you have.


    My baby boy will be 15.5 a week from today and is finishing up his freshman year of high school. We are starting to seriously discuss college. He has always been a momma's boy so his growing up and knowing he will be flying the coop soon is killing me.

  5. listening to the rain, thinking about the college papers I need to be working on, and hanging out here while my hubby rocks our baby girl to sleep.


    We'll be headed to be ourselves before long.

  6. Have you hired this person as a "buyer's agent"? If not, then this person really works for the seller and does not have to advise you on things such as this.


    I remember a homeowner who had her house up for sale and she wasn't getting anyone by to see her house. So she called up an agent, gave her name as that of a friend of hers out of state and asked to see some homes. When she asked to see a particular home - actually her home, that was up for sale - the agent told her "You don't want to see that house. There's a lot of crime and bad stuff going on in that neighborhood." She ended up sueing the agent, and his broker and from what I heard she won her case (or settled out of court) .




    Yes, Wordshthatapply is our, the buyer, agent.

    I have checked the sexoffended registery and one particular home that we have looked at is much safer, in that regard, then where we are right now.

  7. I beleive I live in such a neighborhood. Not that I recommend ever leaving your kids alone but I know what you are saying. And some neighborhoods are better than others. Atleast on our street I feel safe letting my kids play in the yard and even in the neighbors yard and around the cul-de-sac. I'll never forget many years ago hanging with the kids in the yard and seeing a car go by a little two fast and within 60 seconds 3 dads had come out to the road and confronted the driver. I think it was a teenage boy visiting someone but that was the last time he drove like that in our neighborhood.


    Words that apply is really nice. We need to sell our house and met with her but have decided to wait a year.





    Be sure to check the registered sex offender list. Some of the people on there were just 18 year olds with 17 year old girlfriends but It does list the actual charge so you should be able to tell who did what.




    I think they exist as well. I'm not talking about shoving her out the door as soon as she is finished with breakfast and not letting her back in until lunch. I'm talking about being able to watch her from the kitchen window while I cook supper or feeling safe when I have to run inside for a second.


    I would love to be able to sleep with my bedroom window cracked and not be scared to death.

    We are not in a rush to find the right place. So if it takes a while that is fine with us. I rushed into buying my first home and that is one mistake I will not make again.


    Thanks for reminding me about the sex offeneder list. I'll go look that up.

  8. We are starting to look for a new home and have found one that we like.

    How do we go about finding out if it is a safe neighborhood, very little police activity, etc.?


    We really want a place where we can let our youngest out in the back yard and not have to worry about her if we are not right there with her the entire time.

  9. I had heard that Izzy was still up in the air, but George hasn't been coming back for a while.

    I don't like it that either of them are gone..or possibly gone.

  10. I'm near the old courthouse and thought a helicopter was landing on the roof....was curious about about life flight also. I know they land at the firestation behind Kroger in this area, but this was so close we actually got up and were looking out our windows.


    It was the same way here.

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