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Posts posted by rcrjmartin

  1. Wow...this is so very sad..And I say that for all the families involved. I don't know the Cochran's but I do have a close friend for over 20 years that was falsely accused. I am not saying that this is the case here, but I do know that whatever becomes of this, there is pain involved for all that is unimagineable. This is not a time to gloat and say I told you so...this is a time to let the investigation take it's course and to reserve judement until the facts are presented.

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  2. This is a private lake, in our subdivision. We only have 16 homes and each homeowner has equal rights to the lake. I usually take them swimming during the day or late in the afternoon when no one is there.





    Yeah, long story but it is excused and will not affect him being promoted. Not sure he is going back next year either.



    :mellow: Sorry it must have been a hard year for you guys. Where might he be going next year? I know J will miss him if he leaves.

  3. Oh he's done with school for the year. My choice :)



    :huh: :o You can do that? Boy my 3rd grader would love it if I would do that :lol:


    BTW I love that last pic- looks like they were racing to see who could get in first...

  4. :( :( There really aren't words.....The past 18 months has been a real doozy for my family. I hope and pray every day that my husband does not lose this job, he had to take a very big pay cut, but it was better than nothing.


    As far as GM- I have 4 uncles in Ohio that started at GM right out of high school. 3 of the 4 put in 36+ years, and the 4th retired at 30. I don't even have the heart to ask them what has happend to their pension. The days of getting a job, staying in that job, and retiring from same job are over. :( :(


    We have to have faith that things will turn around, but I believe that until we can get more people working, and stay working, this economy will not get better.

  5. 1 off McClung I live down the street..................Hadonstone is off Billy Bullock I know!



    Is there 2?



    :pardon: I knew that there was a stone in there somewhere...Actually what is on the other side of Geogian Park, closest to Mulberry Rock ? That is what I was thinking.

  6. If most of your kin and friends are in Paulding, I can see where Facebook might seem pretty useless to you. OTOH, if your friends and family don't live in Paulding and have little or no interest in Paulding, Facebook makes more sense as a way to keep in touch.


    It's a quick and easy way to keep up with people who are far away - I've gotten to where I spend more time on Facebook than on here. ^_^



    I feel the same way too! I am from Arizona, and most of my childhood friends still live in our hometown-I feel connected to home in a way I have not felt since I moved away in 1996 :wub:

  7. I read about it, this morning. Both parents were against more chemo- but now with all of the new facts- the father is wanting his son to start the treatments again. I feel it is so easy for us to say what we would do, but until we are in that situation... :( I hope and pray I never am, and I hope and pray that they find mother and son soon.

  8. The blue line sticker is a sure way to get stopped. Mean nothing to us since anyone can get them.


    If no child seat then I will make them have get someone to bring one.



    My son is 9 and he is not 4'9 and he is under 100lbs. If I read the law correctly- he needs a booster right? He is still in one, but none of my friends have their kids in one, actually we all had a discussion about this recently, and they say I don't need a booster for him- do I?



  9. We need our retaining wall replaced, right now it is rotten railroad cross ties. Don't really want to spend alot of money, anyone has any suggestions.



    May I ask how old your wall is? We are looking at doing our own wall using the railroad ties as well- we don't plan on living here forever, but would like to know they will last awhile. :rolleyes:

  10. I have a good number of boxes of rocks obtained from a collector that died, and the family simply gave them away. Some are cataloged and named, others are a mystery. It seemed to me that someone spent a portion of their lives asembling this set, so I'd love to give it to someone who actually could use them. Look me up at the store, and they are yours.


    770 445 3453



    Glenn- thank you so much! He will be thrilled!!! I will give you a call. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    Right now, I am sitting in the hall at Kennesaw State, while he is in a room competing in the Science Olympiad- right now he is doing Save our Eart, form there we will go to Rock hounds, and then Aerodynamics this afternoon..I am so excited for him- Go Union Science Olympiad Team :clapping: :yahoo:

  11. Actually yes! TONS! :lol:


    Send me your house # again because I can't ever remember which one and I'll drop some off tomorrow or whenever you want.


    JR & Alex love rocks too :lol:



    Tomorrow we will be at Kennesaw State Univ. where Ryan will be competing in the Science Olympiad along with several other Union kids :yahoo: :yahoo:

    I will call ya and maybe the boys and I can come over soon, or you can come here! I am so excited about this-he will be so happy!


    Say a prayer for him for tomorrow- okay, well maybe for me- I am so nervous!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    Growing up rocks were ammunition against my brother and assorted friends. As we got older we progressed to explosive devices.



    :lol: :lol: Well at the moment, he just wants to study them, but now I will be on the lookout to see if he tries to hit his brother.


    You should've taken him to the rock show at the Cobb Civic Center. There is one twice a year-in fall and in Spring and it's free. The one that just happened was May 8th. Yes, we also have TONS of rocks in our house. For info-check with the Cobb Gem and Mineral Society.



    :o :o I had no idea about this- thanks for the info, and I am going to check into it.

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