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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. That is correct. pubby
  2. I would have thought that too, November Rain... but they reported it on the forum post only ... and the only link for the portal is in the swf file and does not automatically open without clicking on it. Oh, and the page for the portal doesn't use a script, but rather an old HTML approach called frames or a frameset that loads content from three independent pages into a shell that defines the page. It should not set off any 'popup blockers.' BTW: framesets were extensively used a decade ago but have largely fallen from favor. This link (a FAQ on traveling to Mexico) http://www.t
  3. Can't say that the particular supplier requires a fee as I've not been pitched such. What I do know is that as a policy comcast and the other major ISP's seek the right to do so and have been seeking that right since 2005 or so. Hence Vinton Cerf's testimony before Congress February 7, 2006. Given that history, I wouldn't put it past them. pubby
  4. My ire was at comcast ... and the issue is net neutrality: See, that comcast now has a company that says that pcom should not be trusted sounds like they're discouraging browsing to 'sites they control' or who haven't paid the fee to be 'approved' by them. I never heard of their 'security service' but lets just say I'm skeptical. pubby
  5. The HTML CODE shows up because I use HTML to build a table. All commerce members have the ability to use limited HTML ... no javascript but it does allow posting of flash (although I used the BBCode for flash.) If you look at it, you'll see it is nothing more than the code for the table, a link to the 'new topic' page for the weekend forum and the black text on a black background that you can see in the table's cell by highlighting the text. the reason I believe it is something on your puter is that: 1. It doesn't show on mine. 2. this is typical behavior for popup ad-ware
  6. JLH: the reason the text doesn't show in the original post is that it is the same color as the background. Kind of like this: I'll change the color to a little off white so you'll have a hard time seeing it.
  7. Yes, the mast includes the link to the Portal page, which in this case is the mast for the Weekend Portal. Nothing new here ... the weekend portal has been around since mid April, with the video box to the right, the ad directory in the left panel and the main forum page in the middle. 1Novella. As far as the comcast trust verification, I've never heard of their 'service' ... compete.com, however, does consider paulding.com a trusted site and for that matter, the only personal data we 'require' is a frigging working email address. If you want to buy a subscription, we send you
  8. That's bull. He's connected from home just like you. I don't see anything either and I sure as hell didn't setup something. I think you picked up something that is jerking with you somewhere else because that is nothing but a flash file and table like we use all over the site. pubby
  9. What are you talking about? pubby
  10. [flash=750,220]http://www.paulding.com/news/weekend.swf[/flash] StartNew topic THE SENILITY PRAYER : Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, The good fortune to run into the ones I do, and The eyesight to tell the difference.
  11. Here are a few photos of the folks at the Shopping Center. Pcom will have full video later. pubby
  12. This week: Chamber Awards Banquet **Motorcycle safety month **National Prayer Day ** Arrests for rape ** child molestation ** weapon on campus ** failure of a sex offender to register ** more Click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS
  13. the noon event is over. I've restarted the 'best of PCom News" ... on the PCOM Channel. Check it out. pubby
  14. There are about 50 people there .. you can't see them because they're back to the right kind of getting some shade. They're singing Amazing Grace right now. pubby
  15. Okay folks, we've got a live feed from the square of the National Day of Prayer. The way to do this is to open the portal page for the County Wide News: http://www.paulding.com/news/countywidenews/ when You open that portal page you'll see this topic at the top. Go to the right of the page and drag the scroll bar on the right and move it to the left and turn on the feed. It is that simple.
  16. Do you have to register each week? pubby
  17. We've got to get the Tonk in this one! Jimmy is supposed to be working on that. pubby
  18. I went ahead and installed it so you are able to do the testing for me. The item gives you the choice of portal view and forum view for several forums. This also marks the introduction of the community portals for places like Union, Cedarcrest, New Hope, New Georgia, Hiram, Dallas, etc. We're going to set up a live webcam (LPPT) in Dallas and will consider doing others in other locations. pubby
  19. And it doesn't work in this context either ... This is because of the use of full Adobe flash and the invocation of scripting that is disallowed by the board. Hence, I can't test it in this context. So, test is over. pubby
  20. [flash=300,790]http://www.paulding.com/navigation/nav.swf
  21. When I see that the US Attorney in Georgia remains the same man appointed by Bush (These kinds of appointees take time) I am pretty doggone certain that there have been no significant personnel changes in the Dept. of Homeland Security or FBI in the just over one month that would be responsible for this. I.e. the folks doing this were in positions appointed by the previous administration. As far as the USA Patriot Act ... I've been against it because of its potential for abuse. A 16 year old citizen of the United states being held without habeus corpus under the terms of the
  22. The soldiers name was just released on Fox Five News. His name is Ryan C. King and he was 22. pubby
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