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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. CNBC Lie ?????? Nah, say it ain't so. I've got to find another primary care doctor, mine just departed for a different career.
  2. Ad it's going to get worse !!! "But the growing scarcity—most specifically of primary care physicians—is clear for patients who sit for hours in waiting rooms, must drive long distances to a physician's office or simply can't find a doctor." http://www.cnbc.com/id/100546118?__source=xfinity|mod&par=xfinity
  3. think my step-son owns a good portion. he's spent enough time in it and paid a great deal of fines....
  4. Strange....Mine was approved on 3/7 deposited on 3/11 so the full cycle was 17 days. Hope you get it soon.
  5. Submitted mine on 2/23 and refund deposited on 3/11.
  6. My opinion = Zc is a BS artist, and may be a resident of the medical field.
  7. I'm at my fourth home on permanent holiday in the US state of Georgia. Does that wine go good with fried spam sambitch ?? The Coors Light sounds better.
  8. NICE !!! Bet they don't take that baby to the mud ride....
  9. Have fire proof file cabinet and safe. keep digital stuff on portable HD and Thumb drive depending on what it is and keep those in either the safe or cabinet.
  10. I'm so sorry I missed the part about the wine in your article I also missed the part about the kids school, do they go to Private or Reform school?? I hope to appear more educated in the future.
  11. What wine did you have with that "middle eastern/japanese/cantonese/chinese/dirtynese/lookatthese dinner which was exquisite" ???
  12. Might run into a Yankee , just never know.
  13. Mr mental giant, give me back the money I paid into Medicare and Social Security, I'll be happy....It's my damn money.
  14. And you get this ...... "Aviation budget cuts getting real" "About 2,000 Federal Aviation Administration employees in metro Atlanta are being told they will have to take as many as 11 unpaid days off in coming months because of automatic federal budget cuts." And they do this... "$250 Million in U.S. Aid for Egypt" "Secretary of State John Kerry announced Sunday that the United States would provide $250 million in assistance to Egypt"
  15. Read about Kobe and Wagyu beef scam...... http://www.forbes.com/sites/larryolmsted/2012/04/13/foods-biggest-scam-part-2-domestic-kobe-and-wagyu-beef/
  16. YOU never miss a chance to make some chitty remark !!! Are you that eat up with hate ?? Damn !!! Give it a rest
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