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Everything posted by cranemec

  1. They have several houses throughout the county. My brother was an avid supporter of Shepherds Rest and donated a lot of time and money to them After he passed in 2007, Sheperds Rest named the next house they bought after my brother. Somewhere out there is Ricky's House. That is what they named it. Only people who need to know where the houses are know where they are.
  2. You should have seen the one at Mo's Speed Shop last week. WOW!! I don't think 200K would have bought it. It may still be there. I have to drop my '65 F100 tomorrow. I'll drool over it for you if it is still there.
  3. AHH, One day I will have 64 Galaxie 500 on the road and you will be the first place I stop to Get it Lookin Good!
  4. When has either one of them ever told the truth?
  5. No pool but you can't get closer to the river. Stay on a riverboat. My daughter stayed here and said it was GREAT! http://www.deltaqueenhotel.net/
  6. There would be a whole lot less dead people on our side and theirs and the world would step back and say "don't TRUCK with the USA, those bastards are crazy." I'm good with that.
  7. I'm right there with you Low. We CAN and we COULD win this war if the politicians and the media would get out of the way. War is not pretty. Innocent life would be lost. Unless we are willing to go in and totally and completely decimate the country and it's people, we will never win. When the people of the country have had enough, they will stand up and speak out as TP is so fond of saying. Look what happened after Aug. 6th and Aug. 9th 1945. I'm not saying that it is right. I'm not saying it is just. I'm not condoning it, but from a purely military standpoint, if we want to win, that is w
  8. I would have splained it better the first time but I was on the phone ordering parts for a crane.
  9. Whether we had business being there or not doesn't change the fact that we were. We pussed out and left early before the job was done. Right, wrong or indifferent, finish the job we started or we will and we are perceived as weak. The problem with letting them all kill each other is they want to kill everyone else too, like us. Remember those planes flying into buildings?
  10. Ray Traylor was known as The Big Boss Man. He was from Dallas. So your thread title reminded her of Ray.
  11. . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Boss_Man_(wrestler)
  12. SEE! SEE! Even your left leaning users can't stand his crap! Very well put MRNN.
  13. Early? 10 pm is not early for us old ugly farts! I need my beauty sleep.
  14. Jumping in here late but after reading more, we had a similar situation with our Durango. Although it was a 2005 I'm sure it was very similar. It would die, just die and not crank back up. The engine would spin but not crank. I read the codes, camshaft sensor. I replaced that and she cranked right up. The next day the same thing happened. I read the codes again, crankshaft sensor, I replaced that, she cranked right up. This became a pattern for a day or two and we took it to Dallas Dodge. They had it a few days and swore up and down it was fixed. They used factory parts and not ones from Auto
  15. We should have turned the place into a parking lot when we had the chance. Then again, we never had the chance, Americans are to pussified to ever win another war.
  16. We already discussed that with Greg, the owner of CSD Pools. We do have a lot of copper in our water. He said he wanted to test our well and our "free" ground water so he can judge exactly how to filter it while we are filling the pool. We don't have any problem with the well water in the hot tub but there s a big difference in a 500 gallon hot tub and a 16,000 gallon pool.
  17. I wasn't sure who was who. i just knew Blondie followed them because she is a weather junkie. Me? I go outside and see what the weather is.
  18. Unique is the word you are looking for. The BEST thing about pcom is I met Blondie here! I may come off as crass (may? ) but I really do love what pcom is and have come to accept it as that. I don't have anyone on ignore. One I just don't read, at all and the other I can't put on ignore. But he started a good thing that did wonderful things for the community over the years. I call them The Bubba's. Blondie was active there for a time while Hugh (DDD) was doing his weather thing. Now she follows him on FB and his own site.
  19. Or one could be standing on river bank in Egypt. You know the river. De Nile.
  20. I consider a 61 on the front nine a good day at the course.
  21. Some of the best news in the education world I have heard in a long, long time. I hope this becomes a movement and washes across the entire country. Maybe there is hope for our children. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/06/10/teachers-tenure-judge-education/10291991/
  22. I've said if for years, after seeing forums that I was admin at die out because of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. While i would like to say it's because TP is an annoying moron and Pubby is an condescending, insulting boob and the bored housewives sit here and cackle all day. Hell those are probably the things that have kept this place alive! People want to come see the drama, they want to see the train wreck. I will agree the whole hidden moderation and string of idiotic Mayberry characters is quite silly and ridiculous. But it has always been Pat's house, so therefore P
  23. He also doesn't answer his phone or return voice mails. I tried for two weeks to get in touch with him to do work on my sons F-150. I took it somewhere else.
  24. I don't reply to him. I don't even read his drivel. I skip right over it.
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