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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. One of the greatest ever. ETA, he died on his 79th birthday. http://www.tmz.com/2016/04/06/merle-haggard-dead/
  2. Well, he posted about having to go to Tanner today for medical tests so I bet he knows a whole lot more about latex than I do right about now.
  3. I've never had to go through this because both of my parents passed quickly when I was 7 and 17 so I don't have experience to refer to. I like to think that I would celebrate their life's and make even more happy memories with them. And I mean I would CELEBRATE their life's! I would encourage the belief that their next passage will bring peace and joy, free from pain. I am of the belief that we never completely lose those closest to us. They are all around us and always will be. This side of it, I do have experience with. The knowledge of their presence doesn't happen often but when it
  4. Here you go. http://www.lostmtnoutdoor.com
  5. Sueing them just doesn't seem like enough of a punishment. I'd want their job too.
  6. I'm doing right at Mach 4 with my hair on fire these days so chances are I'll be running errands. At least traffic will be better.
  7. I could not agree more. I've made up my mind who I will vote for and all this chatter has reinforced my decision. The airport is not the only issue in this county.
  8. LR, I'm sure folks are going to be all over this. Those fish are $$$$$$. Really nice of your aunt.
  9. I just heard on the news that propellor has brought suit against the county. That's great.
  10. I'm no locker room expert but every one I've ever been has also had stalls for privacy. I agree no one should feel so special that individual arrangements must be made in a effort to protect their rights. Working together and common sense and not isolation is what is needed IMHO.
  11. The owner of the building also has a restaurant on the Marietta Square so thank the lord he is experienced and should know what he's doing. Also, I understand he has owned the building for a long time so surely he knows what he is dealing with when dealing with the city of Dallas. Maybe Dallas is finally tired of being the dead zone. Besides the college is right there. I really hope it works out.
  12. What decade do you live in? If anyone was a threat to my child I can guarantee you, I would be able to protect my kid.
  13. Last I heard it was the parents role to protect their children in public restrooms and not the states.
  14. That's great news. Wish them all the luck! I'll be there once it opens.
  15. Trust me, the two kids I had out here were worthless.
  16. Nah. I tired to put a couple of kids to work out here........lesson learned. Worthless and a huge liability.
  17. So, I guess the long and short of it is if you are a transsexual man or woman in this country, your personal liberties are being jeopardized and the extreamist right sees no problem with it. In fact, the chant of smaller government only applies if their senseabilities says it does.
  18. Tran folk have been around for a very, very long time. Not all of them are flamboyant. All this hoopla over a law that can't be enforced with reason and only creates and enforces hate. Guess there just had to be a new subject for some people to throw their hate at.
  19. I looked out the window this afternoon and thought there was a fire nearby. Just waves of pollen. Playing ball with the dogs on the driveway and when they would slide stop, puffs of it would come up. Looked like a cartoon.
  20. Pie is OK, I guess. It's been soooo long since I've had a good crust, I just ignore the crusts and leave it. Guess that's why I like cakes more. Pie crusts are soggy, undercooked and tasteless, and that's the top crusts!
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