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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Water bugs! Makes my skin crawl! I got stuck in an elevator once and there were three of them. Those suckers can jump with the best of them. My dog was trying to eat them......I was a wreck! Snakes cause I never know what kind they are. I can tell if it's a copperhead cause of their color and they look like they are grinning at you. Tornados.
  2. I love it too BB! I tend to support local charities cause I don't want to be bitter about wanting to help a family, or person out. It leaves a sour taste to feel like your efforts have gone to some kind of Huge machine.
  3. Happy Birthday Doll. The very BEST wishes to you!
  4. When I was working it was 8-8:30till who knows? If I was working on a closing it was till 10 pm or overnight. This In the office. Needless to say, after 24 years, I got burnt out but I hung tough for about 2 more years. Now? Life is very, very good.
  5. Awesome post and thank you for the good wishes, Merry, merry back at ya.
  6. Yes. After they get done with all the nonsense, I wonder how much of my dollar that I gave goes to the actual people that need the help. That's really why I lean towards the local charities. It just seems less complicated. Besides, to be honest, I don't know that I trust the big, fancy outfits. Except for St. Judes. I would do anything for them.
  7. Seeing the success of the layaway Santa, do you think that this is the way to go? Or do you like the large, media savvy charities? I like the smaller, home town, home grown type myself.
  8. K, are you SURE you are not a Yankee? I mean really SURE? That was also our holiday dinner when I was growing up. Now, hubby and I do BIG snacks through out the day.
  9. They are an arm of congress, correct? I wonder when the last time that they were held accountable happened. I am not surprised, other than the most recent events, I'm not sure that Congress has been all that effective.
  10. Oh, you mean it was a joke? Something's are outside politics and relate more towards good wishes for your fellow man....things like high holy days, like Christmas.
  11. Kind of sad when everything is dependent on party, even holiday wishes. Too much.
  12. Tell you what, we need to met at kroger and get behind their vehicles, real close, and blow the heck out of our horns! What time is good for you Hun?
  13. So the fart in the wind is now downgraded to a mere " poof" I've never cared for him and I think his main talent was trying to appear outrageous.
  14. I went to Sugarloaf parkway today, yea me! What I saw on the two major roads I traveled made me think Heavy downpours, water on the roads, wrecks on BOTH interstates, and yes, people not maintaining their lane cause they were on their phone. Saw a motor home with one of it's baggage doors open. Going up 85 taking up a lane and a half. Spooky. Aggresive drivers are everywhere but you know, their time is soooooo very, very important.
  15. I hope someone else proofs your letters before they go out.
  16. Just an attack with no factual information to back up any position on the subject. Just another baiter. In fact, FW, is that you? The thread is not about who has the most experience in the field but rather it was a discussion of BOA and its lending practices. No clue? I disagree but you have a good day. Hope the bank is nice to you today.
  17. Whatever, now I know not to respond to any of your posts. Know why? Cause you don't take responses into account. You just want to rant and rave. Bet you work for BOA. Night, night.
  18. Ahhh hell, I don't know. I guess cause it was a member who has not posted much before. But, you are right, I need to just leave it alone and go to bed. Really no use. Thanks buddy.
  19. So what you are saying is that BOA didn't KNOW what they were acquiring? I'll tell you want you can do with that foot Hun. I know what the article says but you are dancing around the facts. Whatever. Now I know what I am dealing with. I don't deal with knotheads like yourself. For other visitors, plain and simple, follow the money. You can figure it out. And ca2ga open your eyes. Try to open them with a clear view. They approved these loans. Why do you think they did that? Out of the goodness of their hearts? If you want to get get more hateful, please feel free. say
  20. Listen, the only one looking stupid is you. If you don't see that BOA was taking advantage then you really are not paying attention. In over my head? Really? After 25 plus years in the business, I believe I have a pretty good idea of what goes on. BOA saw the opportunity to take advantage and they took it. You think people KNOW what they are signing? Really? They don't. In particular, Blacks and Latinos. Especially if they are being told "just go ahead and sign, everything will be OK" The lenders of this country sold us out Plain and simple. THEY WERE THE ONES MAKING TH
  21. How in the world does it defeat the premise of my argument? Do you know ANYTHING about mortgage underwriting? Of course they streamlined the loans so they could get it into Fannie or Freddy. Otherwise it would be in their laps. Where, BTW, it belonged. They sold our country down the road.
  22. Again, what was their risk? They knew the loans would end up being with freddiy or fannie. So why? Because they knew that they would be made whole and they would get their commissions so what did they care? People were not doing their jobs, they bended under the "let's make the numbers" and it had to be company wide. But when your job and family depend on those numbers, what choice do you have? Second, if you put people in such a position that they have to make a choice, what do you think they are going to do? They knew. They knew. They did not care. They had their commission che
  23. Nope not wasting my time with it. Been down that road. If BOA was an arms length lender they would not have been named in the suit. In other words, BOA backed countrywide. And now they are paying. Or, do you think that little countrywide did not have serious money behind them? Really? Is that how they got so big? Cause they didn't have the money?
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