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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. The US congress is republican led. Doubt it. Cars have NOTHING to do with this.
  2. Really? So, in your heart, you believe that people, all people, will untimely, act right? How many times does that have to be proven wrong?
  3. For the record, I never said the NRA, as an organization is irrelevant. Check yourself.
  4. OK. So your position is do nothing. Good idea.
  5. First rule, we are not talking about the ACLU, baby muffin. We are talking about the NRA. Don't try to muddy the water. If you don't know the money rules the world then that is your problem. Try and get out of your bubble every once in awhile.
  6. Where I'm from, we call people who won't or don't realize that simple fact.....names. Cookie Baby or whatever you call yourself, if you don't realize that money talks and BS walks...then, simply put, you are not awake.
  7. Because that is the way it works baby girl. No? Please, tell me more.
  8. Did you ever notice that no right leaners are willing to compromise on this issue? I have not seen one person offer up a solution. All I've seen are protests about even the possibility of control. Something has to be done about this issue. No? So what, other than bitching and moaning, is being suggested as a solution? Doing nothing?
  9. Maybe I'm behind the times but doesn't the NRA represent whomever pays the most money? You know that's the truth. Money talks and all this BS.....walks.
  10. Marietta diner and C&S seafood (Call to check availability) C&S has chargrilled oysters. YUM.
  11. Sounds like it may be a baby goat! I love baby goats! Few things are as cute as a baby goat! Few things are as stupid either. They do like to be cuddled once they get used to it. And they will eat ANYTHING!
  12. Queens had/has some outstanding German resturants. Yum. Yum.
  13. Spaetzle? OMG! Lucky, lucky you.
  14. rockysmom


    Ragsdale has always gone above and beyond for this house. For like.....15 years between us and the prior owner.
  15. rockysmom


  16. Last time I checked, the law doesn't require you to show respect. You do that out of respect.
  17. I agree but only to a certain extent. Many times, once people realize what the deal is......they do step up to the plate. I love that about people. In particular, American's. :yahoo:
  18. How nice of you to offer this help. Welcome to P.com! :good:
  19. Who wants a gun ban? I've not heard about that.
  20. Laurie, that's great! I bet he will love it!
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