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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Carrot top and water bugs. Water bugs literally make my skin crawl.
  2. Aria is just so-so? No. It's reconized as one of the best in the city.
  3. That was beautiful. Really. Folks, read it. Thank you. I doubt I would have even found it to read it if you didn't post it so thank you.
  4. Ahhhhhhhhhhh geeze honey, I'm sorry.
  5. As a kid I spent a lot of time in New Milford, Ct. Summer was spent on Candlewood Lake, winter was spent ice skating on the pond in the woods. Magical. So grateful for those memories. Oh, and the state fairs were awesome. First time I saw a Clydesdale. I was amazed!
  6. You know, every once in a while, you hit the nail on the head. You put that very well.
  7. Yeah, I did too. But it won't happen cause she hates me now.
  8. After that response KRM.... I'm laying real real low. :rofl:
  9. Excellent. He should come back. Mrs. B, I'd forgotten the parking lot violations. They were pretty funny.
  10. I wish JLH010101 would come back on the board.
  11. Yeah, like anything would happen to any critter in your care.
  12. Bum. Not for nothing but I gave it to you, not him, you. File the lawsuit....I'll testify. J/k
  13. Thank you for the kind words. Yeah, the combo was a bit strange. Did you ever get the keg, um, smoking?
  14. OMG! I can't breath! :rofl: :rofl: So...are you sure it was KRM? :rofl:
  15. Well, right now, I have no misery....so I guess I'm out. So, LPPT, what do you know about p.commers?
  16. So....guess you got the stents huh? The good news is, from people I know that have them, is that you really feel bunches better! Get off your stupid computer and get some rest. You will need it cause I'm gonnna beat you up next week.
  17. Dude? I have no earthly idea what you are trying to convey. But, I still love you.
  18. Done. Doesn't that make it happen? Hey, whatever it takes.
  19. K. Whatever. Like I said, just leave me alone.
  20. If you think I'm going to share my experiences with Coors....I'm not. You have a point to prove? Look, we are all just normal people. Just looking to keep on keeping on. Just leave me alone.
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