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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. SS, I'm very glad for you to know your son is in a good place and I'm very glad for your son to be excited about the place he is in. Best wishes for both of you!
  2. He doesn't want to be idolized. I'm just jealous of his hair.
  3. :rofl: Yeah, I'll do that first.
  4. Hells bells, this thread is something else. Next time I come upon a funeral procession, I'm jumping out of the truck and saluting. There. Better?
  5. Thanks. It's too bad he didn't let her finish speaking.
  6. Do you have a link? I can't find where she said that.
  7. Bull. Good story through. That should send Lucky to the pool.
  8. First off, 90% of funeral processions that I have seen are not something you see coming. You turn a corner and there it is. If it makes you happier to believe that people would knowingly disrespect a funeral procession have at it. I happen to know differently but heavens forbid that a chance to crawl up on that soapbox of self righteousness be passed up. You have fun with that.
  9. Well then, you would be wrong. Next snake, I'll go ahead and take a shot of the mouth...to prove you are wrong.
  10. Here's some more confirmation for you Low, we have them around here too. Solo chopped the head off of one a few years back. I don't do snakes. If you are a brown snake that looks like you are smiling... Night. Night
  11. Do you REALLY think that people, any people would intentionally disrespect a funeral procession? No one, that I know, Yankee or otherwise would do this. Many people DON'T KNOW WHAT THE EXPECTED BEHAVIOR IS. Jeeze folks.
  12. A mother and father should be able to bury their son with dignity and respect. To bad their dead son acted so filled with hate that he voided out his parents privilege.
  13. See that's my experience too. I guess we are a happier, more considerate people because WE WON!!!! :p
  14. How's that song go? Oh, wait I remember now. Lets go Krogering!
  15. My last post was a joke folks so don't get your pride all bruised. Seven posters agreed with the OP. Within that post it was stated that people who don't adhere to the pulling over for a funeral procession law are not welcome here. Now, seeing that many, many, many people don't actually know about this little known law do you really think that it is reasonable to judge a person who doesn't adhere to the rule when they don't even know about it?
  16. I am not a foreigner fool. I am AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, just like you. Don't you dare call me a foreigner! Grow the truck up. You lost, get over it. :rofl: :rofl:
  17. I haven't seen him post in forever. Anybody know what's up?
  18. Like ANYONE could, even if they wanted to, do this gesture in NYC. That's just silly to make a judgement call on NY because this is not the tradition.
  19. I've only seen this "tradition" in the South and the I first time I had seen it someone thought they would be cute and swerved in front of me. Scared the crap out of me.
  20. This post hit me hard and what I'm going to suggest comes from a good place. You and you wife need to go for some counseling. Now. You CANNOT be expected to deal with this without support. Please consider this route. Make it a date night with your wife.
  21. After you get done with the attractions in Paulding, bring them up to Rome! Visit the downtown and go to the bakery! Serious YUM. There's lots to do in Rome too.
  22. OK, just so I know the very limited Yankee population around here hasn't lost their minds!
  23. Hun, REALLY? Pickled quail eggs? REALLY? And you're a YANKEE? :rofl:
  24. If you have read Mr. Dis posts, you would realize that the standard parenting does not apply in this case. Besides, who the heck are you to make a judgement call like this?
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