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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. This whole story has given the south a black eye. Hope everyone realizes that. Thank heavens the show has been cancelled.
  2. This is the local mellow mushroom: Pound dough into a circle Take a ladle of ketchup and spread on dough Take a hand full of bs cheese and spread over pizza This creation is created by a sixteen year old who picks his nose on break. Yuk. The worse. Pip, you would be offended by this pizza.
  3. If you're talking about this lib, I grew up traveling the trains of NYC. Crazy people are pretty much the norm in the subway. Really. Crazy people, exhibitors, people peeing on the walls. Then you have the real sickos, those would get on a very crowed train and rub up against any unfortunate woman who happened to be close to them. To me, this was not a terror attack.
  4. NJ, rather than continue this train of thought I'll just say I disagree about this being a terrorist attack. I have to say through that I'm glad this thread was posted because folks can see just how the far right can be fear mongers.
  5. So.....mental illness did not drive him to do this?
  6. If you have a point, make it because your post makes no sense when applied to this situation. You just want to make people more fearful because it fits your political agenda. Are you still getting paid to post this type of propaganda?
  7. This post is really only confirming how the right wants to promote terror in people. While I don't doubt that the subways of NY are a terrorist target, this wasn't it.
  8. Terrorist attack? No. Mentally ill nut job? Yes.
  9. You would never listen to the World Health Organization? Your reason is because you believe them to be far left? The reason I tend to believe them is because they have world class medical assistance and knowledge. But, you go ahead and believe that American politics drive them. Because, of course, Obama is the terminator of the world.
  10. K. So the WHO is now controlled by Obama? If you know this to be a fact, please share.
  11. There's no trying with you NJ. You think you know how he should handle it, he thinks he should follow the world health advisors advise. But somehow, you think you know best. Go figure why I would take his side.
  12. Wait! Obama created Ebola? Who woulda thunk? The whole world is on the lookout for Ebola NJ. The whole world.
  13. Thanks Freebird......I enjoyed reading about this story. You did good Bosco. I sure that's all you ever wanted.
  14. So.....I guess there is really no published "blue book" values. So, I'm looking at like tractors for sale for price ideas. Got one quote already, it was stupid ridiculous as far value on our trade ins. O well, this won't be fun. I know I would be better off selling them myself and then putting the cash towards the new one.
  15. Happy bday Pubby. Hope you are having a great one!
  16. What the heck? What in the world is going on in your world this days........ Best of luck doll, he's in really, really good hands.
  17. I'm glad the boy is back with his family. He's a pretty cool cat and I'm glad he's ok. Thad and Melissa, as you both know, I finally met Louise. She is a lovely, lovely young woman. You must take pride in her, as her parents.
  18. Hey. Does anyone know where I can find model specific used tractor prices? We need a new one and we are looking to trade in for a new one. I found the big one but I'm not looking to pay for a book. Thanks.
  19. For you to say to me...."I get it. Anyone who does not agree with you and who does not think Obama is a superstar....." Never said anyone had to agree with me and never said Obama is a superstar NJ, you are being ridiculous. Just ridiculous.
  20. Maybe Browns, right down the road. I have no idea how their products are through.
  21. I have no attack set on you. That's crazy talk.
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