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Posts posted by Jennie

  1. Thanks Dezz,


    I don't like the politics either it is for the kids. I know I have heard horror stories of moms and dads getting kicked out due to language or hitting umpires etc. I thought it was for the kids you know. How embarrising for the kids when that happens damaged for life!!! We just want so good clean fun for the boys, they want to try it out and experience since they have never done anything like it before.

  2. I think it is so rude to put an unexperienced person any where near a register. When I was 16 I was hired at a Hardees in Gwinnett, I was brought in early in the morning and they showed me how to put on the biscuits, how to fry etc. It was lunch time and I was thrown on a register no training what so ever and the customers were all construction workers and I was mortified. That register had so many keys on it I didn't know where to start, once I got a break I left and called my Dad to pick me up I QUIT!!!!!!!! Never ever again will I work in retail. I have the upmost respect for cashiers they have one hard job dealing with all sorts of customers some nice, some not so nice and those others who can't be pleased at all. So I guess my answer would be No. Thanks!

  3. Thanks junejohnson,


    That cat looks like mine, although they didn't help me decorate both cats want to rearrange my ornaments and some they just don't like so they take them off. Thanks for the site it was helpful to know that other cat owners have the same situations!

  4. knkpetsitting,


    That was great! My cats had the same adventure last week, I had emailed everyone at P.com and they had some good suggestions. It was good to see that others with cats go through what I went through and our tree ended up on the floor several times and only one ornament got broken. Thanks you made my day!!



    Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can

    prolong life. Is this



    A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and

    that's it... don't

    waste them on exercise. Everything wears out

    eventually. Speeding up

    your heart will not make you live longer; that's

    like saying you can

    extend the life of your car by driving it faster.

    Want to live longer?

    Take a nap.



    Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and



    A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does

    a cow eat? Hay and

    corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is

    nothing more than an

    efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your

    system. Need grain?

    Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field

    grass (green leafy

    vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of

    your recommended daily

    allowance of vegetable products.



    Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?


    A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy

    is distilled wine,

    that means they take the water out of the fruity bit

    so you get even

    more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out

    of grain. Bottoms




    Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?


    A: Well, if you have a body and you have body fat,

    your ratio is one to

    one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to

    one, etc.



    Q: What are some of the advantages of participating

    in a regular

    exercise program?


    A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My

    philosophy is: No Pain...Good



    Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?


    A: YOU'RE NOT LISTENING!!!. Foods are fried these

    days in vegetable oil.

    In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting

    more vegetables be

    bad for you?



    Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a

    little soft around the



    A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it

    gets bigger. You

    should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger




    Q: Is chocolate bad for me?


    A: Are you crazy? HELLO ..... Cocoa beans . another

    vegetable!!! It's

    the best feel-good food around!



    Q: Is swimming good for your figure?


    A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain

    whales to me.



    Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?


    A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!



    Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions

    you may have had

    about food and diets. And remember:


    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the

    intention of

    arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved

    body, but rather to

    skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand -

    strawberries in the other -

    body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and

    screaming - WOO HOO! What

    a Ride!"

  6. I know all of it by heart, I worked at Wal-Mart for 11 years and spend by husbands checks there, thank goodness I still have stock and it keeps going up and up!! So I don't mind the little old geezers at the door, just thought it was cute to compare it to Heaven and can't beat the Sams brand either, along with the prices. We go there for everything and anything so thank goodness they are open 24/7.

  7. I have never smoked. I remember when I was in the 5th grade looking in a health book of a healthy lung and a lung of a smoker of 25 years, it was all black and I made a conscience decision not to smoke and all of my family members smoke, mom, dad and brothers and sisters. When dating looking for a non-smoker was a must and I found him 20 years ago. We are smoke free! My mom wants to stop, but she isn't having any luck. Those cigarettes are poison and she is addicted. I know I have seen Grandparents go from smoking packs a day to sucking on oxygen in place of smoke and hearing them cough it is just really bad, and I always remember that photo in my health book, thankful I made the decision not to smoke.

  8. I consider Wal-Mart to be God's gift to shoppers.

    Literally, here are the similitudes I have noticed

    between the kingdom of Heaven and the

    Kingdom of Everyday Low Prices.


    Heaven: St. Peter greets you at the gates

    Wal-Mart: Some old geezer named Peter

    greets you at the automatic doors


    Heaven: Eternal

    Wal-Mart: Open 24 hours


    Heaven: Where old people go when they expire

    Wal-Mart: Where old people go when the retire


    Heaven: Plenty of Room for everyone who loves God

    Wal-Mart: Plenty of Parking for Everyone


    Heaven: Golden-haired angels shouting the glory of God

    Wal Mart: Purple-haired obese women shouting

    for a price check on diapers


    Heaven: Salvation and redemption no matter what your sin

    Wal-Mart: Full money refund on no matter what your complaint


    Heaven: EDLP = Every Do-gooder lives peacefully

    Wal-Mart: EDLP = Every day low prices


    Heaven: Sam Walton -- now a resident!

    Wal-Mart: Sam's choice cola -- now on sale!

  9. I have a 48 inch fiber optic tree too and decided to put it up and take the 6ft one down. I have a wooden chest and I anchored it by tying it to the chest so it isn't going anywhere and the big cat won't get in it since it is so small and so far the spray bottle is working for the kitten. Thanks for everyone's advice!

  10. Thanks everyone! I am going to try the fishing line because I know my 2 year old cat will still take a leap into it to lay on the branches. At least this way the tree won't go anywhere although the branches will get bent eeeekkk! It's going to look like a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree! Have a great Holiday everyone!

  11. I know some of you are going to be rolling on the floor, but here is my dilemma. I have 2 boys ages 9 and 5 and they wanted to put up our Christmas tree. I got it assembled and had lights put on it Friday so when they got home from school they could decorate it. Well I also have 2 cats one is 2 years old and the other is a kitten, well when we awoke on Sat. morning the tree was lying on the floor with wall to wall ornaments. I put the tree back up and got a spray bottle with water in it to spritz them if they went near it. Well we got up Sun. morning and the tree was down again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have any suggestions or advice or need a 2 year old gray cat( just kidding)? Thanks!

  12. A guy responds to a job position at the city zoo. The ad mentioned the

    salary but not what he would be doing. Come to find out that the zoo's

    gorilla had unexpectedly passed away.The zoo had just spent millions on

    promotions which focused on the gorilla and now they needed a gorilla.

    The guy really needed the job and the money was good so he

    accepted.Everyday he would put on the gorilla suit, hang out in his cage and be the

    gorilla. After a while he started enjoying himself. He would scare

    little kids, roar at the crowds, and eat bananas and stuff. You know,

    gorilla things.As time wore on he became the main attraction at the zoo. He

    would swing on his trees and vines, and the people loved him.One

    particularly busy Saturday he was swinging around and accidentally swings

    over his fence and lands in the lions cage. The lion slowly opens his eyes

    and sees the gorilla.The lion begins to stalk. The lion, now drooling

    and wide awake, slowly approaches the gorilla who is backed up against

    the fence. The lion is ready to jump, then the gorilla started yelling,

    "Help! Help! I'm not a gorilla. I'm a man! help, help !!"Then the lion

    said, "Shut-up stupid, or we'll both get fired!"

  13. Scott should be put to death, instead he will go to a prison get 3 square meals a day in an air conditioned and heated cell, get an education learning law. Too bad we couldn't ship him to a foreign country where they shoot you on sight for your crime. That might help with the sick o's in this world.

  14. I care too much!!!!!! I can't stand litter! My neighborhood is one of those who don't care the front of the neighborhood is nice, but the back is a mess. I am constantly picking up litter from neighbors trash cans that they leave out with no lids and of course it all ends up in my yard. We keep our yard and house very well maintained and I look around and can't understand why someone would just let trash build up in the yard. When my kids go outside with candy in wrappers they are told put the trash in the trash can not the yard!!! They do a great job so it is good to teach them early. I know when we go to the beach in the summer I am always carrying extra plastic bags to pick up trash at the beach really bad there. I get people from on the beach saying that is so nice of you picking up trash, and I am thinking I need some help! I even get upset when someone throws trash from a vehicle especially cans of soda, we almost got killed because some kid didn't want his soda on hwy 278 and decided to throw it out the passenger window and they were in the left lane and we were behind them, the can bounced up and hit the front of the van very scary!!! And it make things worse with everything now being made for convenience and throw away. Everything is made cheaper so it has to be replaced not thrown away what a waste.

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