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Posts posted by Jennie

  1. Sure do, morning classes are Mon, Wed, Friday and Saturday 9:30- 10:30. Evening classes are Mon, Tues at 6:30 - 7:30 and Thursday night 6:45-7:45. Those are the dates for Kickboxing they also offer a body toning class using weights and one of those big body balls on Monday and Wed night from 7:30-8:30. If you need more assistance you can go to their website at www.pilsungdo.com.

  2. cookiemonstersmommy,


    Yes the first class is free and the kickboxing in just a great workout. When were you there? I am hoping to be there tomorrow night, but hubby has to go to a party after work, but I will definately be there on Sat. See you there, I am usually the one to the right of Linda.

  3. I was up front with Linda, I like being up there so I can see, and she is using me to teach new ones that come in since I don't move too much, till they get the hang of all the moves etc. and I still have my moments where I need to catch my breath too! Where you in all black?

  4. kderry9138,


    Hey, missed you at class this morning, I hope you find a partner soon. We had a really good workout with Linda this morning. Larry doesn't teach any more and Linda has gotten really good with teaching the class. I don't know if you remember Carolyn? She is still teaching on Tues. and Thursday nights and my abs were so sore from Thursday it was hard to work out today, but I feel great even though I am moving a little slower than usual. See you soon!

  5. kderry9138,


    I have been going there for a year and a half. I have lost 33lbs and love it. Thank goodness for the Key's. It is such a great workout, 45 min of cardio kickboxing, I was told we burn 500 calories or more from one class. I am signed up till Dec 1, 2004. Hope you find someone to come with you, see you there, I am there Monday morning, Thursday night and Saturday. Jennie

  6. Thanks to all the comments, questions, concerns, and different views on my situation. I am not sure of the breed of dog, it is a medium size dog and looks like a german shephard, but black and brown a mixed breed, and is on a 5 ft. leash just outside of a garage side door. I called Animal Control and was told since I live in the city limits it was up to the Dallas Police Department to write out a citation etc. I did call, but haven't received an update yet. I did notice the dog was put on a nice new chain so I am hoping that will help with his escaping. As far as the word "attack" I called it attack because my 40lb 5 year old was in our yard and it crossed over into my yard and put my childs right arm(elbow) in its mouth. My son doesn't like dogs, and would never try to pet it. He avoids dogs any way he can. It did not in any way break the skin thank GOD, but needless to say my son is now terrified of the dog. This dog barks at everything, the wind, etc... and I can understand it is protecting its property, but it went outside of its property and onto mine and I consider it an attack. I do feel if dogs are going to be kept they do need a large caged area to run around and this dog is on a short leash. I feel sorry for it, but my son comes first. I hope it gets resolved soon so nightmares on this issue will stop. Thanks to everyone!

  7. Now has any of those darling kids ever tease the dog to cause the dog to be that way? So there has to be another side to this story like where was your kid when this took place & who else was involved. See I hate it when right away it's the dogs fault never the humans fault. Who raised the dog and who trained it, just seems there are some un-answered questions.





    The dog is outside all day and night, barks at the wind and his own shadow! As far as my kids teasing the dog they are terrified of dogs and are constantly wanting to know if the dog is off its leash since it seems that it gets off more now than it has in the past. Now as far as teasing the dog, my kids do ride their bikes on the sidewalk and the dog barks at them repeatedly so is that teasing? And as far as the dog getting the bum deal he crossed over the street into my yard where my son was crossing to go two houses up. So as far as I can tell the dog has no training or else he wouldn't be so eager to attack a helpless 5 year old. Thank you for your point of view.

  8. rwdsrbrs,


    He is fine just shaken up and more afraid of dogs now more than ever. You know I don't know if they would have taken it if the owner was home, the AC Officer said he wanted to talk to them about having proof of rabies vaccination and if not he would be cited for that and having the dog off the leash. So I guess we will find out in a few days once they have talked to them. Thank you!

  9. Surepip,


    I thought since the dog did bite my son and the officer said it was viscious(spelling) that they would take it, but since someone was home and not the owner they didn't take it. It is only chained up in the yard, no fence just on a chain. I guess because my sons injuries weren't visible? Not sure I just wish it would have been taken so I don't have to monitor my kids every move. Thanks for the info!

  10. Had an incident today around 2:45p.m. Kids are outside and my five year old wants to walk 2 house up to a neighbors house to play with his friend. I hear him screaming and crying not knowing what was going on ran downstairs to him holding his arm saying "the dog bit me" I grabbed his arm and he was o.k. no puntures or scratches. I ran upstairs and called 911 declined medical treatment and was told to call Animal Control. Got ahold of Animal Control and was told someone would be out.


    An officer came and we explained to him what happend, meanwhile the dog is still loose wondering around the neighborhood. The officer saw the dog come back to its home. So he went over to notify the owners. Needless to say the dog had to be pepper sprayed and Animal Control was called to come ASAP. Once they got there and trying to get the dog, to no avail they couldn't get him. Finally someone came to the door and the dog was taken inside. The officer said to me that the owner would be home later and they along with Animal Control would be back later.


    This is not the first time the dog has been off the leash, and AC has been called on 2 other occasions. I know they are going to be back, but it is Friday and the weekend is here. I am just afraid that since the incident was not serious that it won't be further taken care of. Does any one have any info as to what I should do

    next, before my child or another gets seriously injured? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!!!

  11. I agree it isn't just smoker's who pollute. My family and I were traveling home from Hiram on 278 and a very ignorant person in a car in front of us who was a passenger decided he didn't want his soft drink any more and dropped it out of his window, the can bounced up and onto our windshield, causing us to swerve and luckily not causing an accident. Then once we got to the next red light they were making a left onto 61 and of course we told them they almost got us killed, they laughed like it was no big deal!!! How rude!!!!!

  12. Flicking cigarette butts is one of my pet peeves, people are so inconsiderate. They would rather litter and stink up the air we breathe than take care of their butts/trash. It takes years for one just to decompose. I just don't understand why someone would breathe that smoke into their lungs polluting them and slowly killing themselves. I have had several family members in their 80's having to spend the last years of their life on oxygen and hacking and coughing up a lung. Unfortunatley they died due to complications from smoking, it was ashame and heartbreaking to watch them just try to breathe on a daily basis.


    When I go to the beach I cry because of all the litter, I have to take a trash bag with me to gather trash just so we can have a pleasant place to sit on the beach. We love to play in the sand and as always a handful of butts are always within reach. I also love to roam the beach in the mornings before the sun comes up and I am gathering trash not shells. I had one guy walk up to me and say that is so nice of you!!! Of course I felt like telling him I wish everyone was so nice and clean up after themselves, but that is another discussion. Thanks for letting me vent!!!!!!

  13. El Jalapeno was great before they moved. Had a bad experience a month after they moved. My family and I were sitting near the kitchen area and I noticed the waitress dump chips into the big bin and they were not from the kitchen, I thought I was just seeing things so I had my husband watch and sure enough chips were being recycled. I hope it was just a one time deal, but after that we have never been back.

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