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Posts posted by Jennie

  1. Mrsbhavn,


    We don't have one of those memory foam mattress, but we did purchase a Matress from The Original Mattress Factory in Marietta. We had it for 7 years and noticed it was starting to sag a little we called them up and they came and got it took off the top a replaced the frame and they made it a little firmer for us. It has a lifetime warranty on it and we didn't have to pay anything for shipping etc... So it is worth it to check them out!

  2. After enlisting in the 82nd Airborne Division, I eagerly asked my

    Recruiter what I could expect from jump school.


    "Well," he said, "its three weeks long."


    "What else," I asked.


    "The first week they separate the men from the boys," he said. "The

    second week, they separate the men from the fools."


    "And the third week?" I asked.


    "The third week, the fools jump."

  3. One day a college professor of Psychology was greeting his new college

    class. He stood up in front of the class and said, "Would everyone who

    thinks he or she is stupid please stand up?"


    After a minute or so of silence, a young man stood up.


    "Well, good morning. So, you actually think you're a moron?" the

    professor asked.


    The kid replied, "No sir, I just didn't want to see you standing there

    all by yourself.

  4. Venice from a man's point of view: A young lady who had returned from a

    tour through Italy with her father informed a friend that he liked all

    the Italian cities, but most of all he loved Venice."Ah, Venice, to be

    sure!" said the friend. "I can readily understand that your father

    would like Venice with its gondolas, and St. Markses and

    Michelangelos.""Oh, no,' the young lady interrupted, "it wasn't that. He liked it

    because he could sit in the hotel and fish from the window."

  5. Thanks everyone for you input and concerns. We really need to address this issue before something serious happens. I will try to talk to these people and see if they have some compassion, if that doesn't work then maybe I can see about getting some help from the Sherriff's Dept. I need a camcorder to record these morons in the act and then send it in along with their tag numbers. I hope things can be resolved, I would hate that a child got hurt because someone was late for a cup of Joe or something like that.

  6. Every morning for the past 5 months, I have walked to the bus stop to wave goodbye to my children as they get on the bus. While waiting mind you it is only 15 minutes, but no doubt there are 3 or 4 people leaving for work who are in such a hurry that they don't even stop at the stop signs. There are children near their cars and they don't care, they proceed to just run the stop signs. The speed limit is 15 mph's and they are clearly going faster than that. What are these people thinking that they can't slow down for a stop sign and look out for these kids!!! Does anyone have any suggestions as how I should handle this? I was thinking of standing in the road making them stop and ask them to please slow down and stop while children are present! Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!

  7. Not sure if this is really a Superbowl Party food but it sure was a hit at the racing tailgate parties:


    Grilled Chicken Wraps


    Cut raw, boneless chicken breasts into small chunks

    Top each with slice of jalapeno pepper

    Wrap each with raw bacon (1/2 slice for small chunks)

    Seal with toothpick (I use two toothpicks to identify the ones with peppers, and one for the ones without peppers)

    Terriyaki Allegro seasoning

    Hot & Spicy Allegro seasoning (comes in bottles like worchershire sauce) I find them at Ingles

    Marinate in half & half of each sauce for several hours (overnight works great)


    Grill slowly, turning frequently until done!


    What a hit! Even people who don't like peppers love them this way.


    Good Luck!




    SherryFay that sounds delicious can't wait to try them maybe my kids will like them without the peppers of course. Thanks!

  8. Steering Clear while a farm girl was milking a cow, a bull tore across

    the meadow toward her. The girl did not stir, but continued

    milking. Observers, who had run to safety, saw to their amazement that the bull

    stopped dead within a few yards of the girl, turned round and walked sadly

    away."Weren't you afraid?" asked everyone."Certainly not," said the

    girl. "I happened to know this cow is his mother-in-law."

  9. I too have noticed cars over there around lunch time, maybe the owners are cooking themselves lunch. I thought maybe something else would move in but it is off the beaten path. I don't understand why business's build in areas where there is no traffic or where people can see them advertise. Wasting money!

  10. An investment counselor decided to go out on her own. She was shrewd

    and diligent, so business kept coming in, and pretty soon she realized

    that she needed an in-house counsel. She began to interview young



    "As I'm sure you can understand," she started off with one of the first

    applicants, "in a business like this, our personal integrity must be

    beyond question." She leaned forward. "Mr. Harper, are you an 'honest'



    "Honest?" replied the job prospect. "Let me tell you something about

    honest. Why, I'm so honest that my father lent me $15,000 for my

    education, and I paid back every penny the minute I tried my very first case."


    "Impressive. And what sort of case was that?"


    The lawyer squirmed in his seat and admitted, "He sued me for the


  11. Joke of the day:


    Mrs. Santa Claus was seeking a divorce from an incredulous judge who asked her

    to explain her marital problems. ""It's that happy, jolly stuff, all year

    long,"" she said. ""It drives me crazy!""""All year? Why, I thought Santa's

    work was only in the winter,"" said the judge. ""Sure, but in summer he takes

    up gardening,"" Mrs. Santa replied, ""and then it's hoe, hoe, hoe all over




    Merry Christmas everyone at P.com! Jeg8888

  12. I got suckered into having a demonstration 8 years ago. The guy was so rude to me when I told him I was not going to buy one. He called his manager and yet another person came into my house telling me I should buy this system. I am in a new house with a new baby and these guys were getting scary. I finally told them to leave and made out like I was calling the police. Needless to say they come every year with a different gimmick, a bottle of coke, etc. I just say sorry you left a bad taste in my mouth and I am not interested and close the door. I know they are trying to make a living, but the scare tactic isn't the way to go. Now when I see a strange van or car coming up my road, the garage door, front door and blinds all get closed waiting for the coast to clear. My view is if I want one I will go online or call them myself, don't try to push your product onto me.

  13. There was one in a shopping center across from the Citizen square shopping center. There is a Citgo I believe in front of it. It is off of Charles Hardy Parkway going towards Marietta on your right. I can't remember the name sorry!

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