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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. You can fish - you just can't park on the dam. SO is looking for the road.
  2. Community Trust - 70 yo female - fall - bleeding R3, B1, Clarks responding
  3. I heard that he saw the red-light camera flash and that started the chase - figuring he could beat the camera from seeing his tag.
  4. Got a call from a friend in Bentwater - the guy went down a dead end road and ended up going through several yards and fences.
  5. E2 and GA forrestry responding near "looking good auto detailing" and spreading rapidly
  6. With Phase II E911 compliance, the dispatcher can know within 50-300 meters (< 1/4 mile) the phones location. http://www.fcc.gov/911/enhanced/
  7. Didn't have my portable on as Emory Flight 3 flew low overhead and landed in Capitol Ct in Senator's Ridge. Did anyone hear the dispatch? I didn't even hear any sirens before hand.
  8. xxx Delta Lane 50 yo male with difficulty breathing history of high bp - feeling weak and shaky
  9. The only brush fire that I know of is a 5 acre controled burn off of Mt Tabor.
  10. Y'all need to take your complaints to the BoC. They allowed the growth requiring the trucks, right?
  11. Many times a deputy can spend hours (I heard a GSP call out that had been waiting 80 minutes this morning). The deputies can be trained to do the investigations. Something serious like a fatality accident should be the responsibility of the experts with the GSP's SCRT crew. Simple finder-benders and deer run-ins should be handled by the SO. Yes, the deputy might have to go to court on occasion, but if the laws of the road are enforced, then the accident rate will decrease. Let me guess – you have ties to the SO, correct? That’s the same song and dance the sheriff gave me.
  12. 3402, 3410 & B2 back in service. E9 remains on scene for vehicle removal....
  13. Looks like 198 gets to wait on the GSP. A good example of why our deputies should be allowed to write full accident reports. One trooper in the county with several accidents waiting for the GSP. Another accident has a deputy waiting for the GSP. These depuites should be able to write the report and then get back to chasing bad guys - not sitting on the side of the road. <corrected> R2 back in service.
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