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Everything posted by FreeBird

  1. I have my own portable scanner sitting on my desk. Move your watch back 9 minutes and it won't seem like there is a delay.
  2. first air service must have cancelled Rescue Air 1 (out of Kennesaw) is responding - ETA of 13 min
  3. stairwell smoke alarm - subject on scene gave improper code... engines 1 and 4 responding
  4. engines 2 & 9 responding for committed stations to residential fire alarm I believe the engines were cancelled - problaby due to notification from alarm company - I only caught the tail end of the traffic from engine 2.
  5. air rescue (not sure if Emory flight or another service) advised of cordinates - ETA of 8 minutes
  6. air rescue was also requested - Eng10 responding to set up LZ "at the top of the ridge"
  7. LisaG, I don't know how RRR does it when she is keeping up with EMS and the SO all at one time. What units responded?
  8. thanks for the map link - looks like there are two florence roads - the one at the Cobb line and this smaller road. FreeBird, Jr. is becoming a real joker. I don't know where he gets it.
  9. I thought I heard that engine 2 was heading to hwy 61 - I assumed for to set up a LZ - but that doesn't make sense. My kids rode the bus home today and the big one came in with a straight face saying that his little brother was not on the bus. So I was in panic mode while this was going on and not paying close enough attention. After seeing that I was serious and ready to run out the door to the school, the oldest one finally confessed that his little brother was hiding in the bushes.
  10. somehow the EMS units got dispatched to 92 at Florence Rd. Maybe they are lost. Check out the archive - maybe I am not hearing it correctly. Dispatch is a little befor the 1:15 min mark in the archive that begins at 2:33
  11. R9, eng 2, clark med 5 enroute chevy pickup and black passenger car with possible entrapment SO176 on scene 176 reports one female with lacerations R9 on scene reports 2 car mva with heavy damage batt 2 enroute R9 reports one entrapped at this time requests air rescue put on standby R9 advises that extracation has begun eng 2 on scene Batt 2 on scene patient out of vehcile - packaging for transport
  12. SO units on scene directing traffic requesting status of DOT - sorry guys - looks like you may be there for a while
  13. engine 6 responding caller complaining of smoke from the burned residence
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