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Everything posted by genesiskenshin

  1. I did flatten all the layers. The pic that I just put as my profile picture is the one I am trying to use as my avatar. In the state that it is for the profile pic it is 94kb.
  2. I got it to my personal photo, but I still can't figure it out for avatar. Help Pubby. I think, cause it is still showoing the cat in the profile, but in the profile pic upload area it shows the fox.
  3. I guess I have to give up, it is down to not even a quarter of an inch and it is still 28KB.
  4. You see pubby, I drew this completely on photoshop elements 7. Including transparency layers which have been merged, used the burn tool, the smudge tool, and the dodge tool. real fun stuff. so far I have made it down to like 39.1KB.
  5. I am playing with it tyring to get it to what I need it for.
  6. I am working on my background for my website and took out one aspect, made a new file, went to upload it and since I made it with adobe photoshop elements, it is high in the KB range like 164. and for some odd reason it wont show up with photobucket. So I can't get a new avatar.
  7. I would love a paid membership if your offering.
  8. I hope everyone avoids the ill or dead scenario, unfortunately that would be an impossibility unless the flu becomes extinct. I hesitate on anything that requires a needle (lets just say needles and me do not like each other), however since I think I have finally figured out what is wrong with me, I will be getting the shot.
  9. Maybe my sarcasm meter is turned off but I believe in vaccinating against the flu because of all of my research on the 1918 flu. Those with the virus can be a carrier for the virus to get back to the host and intermingle on the way, incubate for a little while, come back and make you end up on your backside (either ill or dead).
  10. 3 years of research does pay off. I am still researching it and still learning about it. There are so many facets of it.
  11. I still think that this is a wake-up call and an alarm bell more than anything so it is best to nip it in the bud before it becomes far too serious. "The Devil's Flu: The World's Deadliest Influenza Epidemic and the Scientific Hunt for the Virus that Caused It" Pg 51, 52 "In 1915, there were outbreaks of infectious pneumonia in German military camps and prisons. THat same year, there was a lot of flu in the United States, while more people died of it in England than in any previous year of the century; for three years from 1915 in England and Wales, there was 'a continuous smoulder
  12. Trust me, I have told them to stay away from sick people. However, as my mother is a teacher some parents will still send sick kids to school. Personally, I don't think this is the year we need to worry about. I think this is an alarm bell like it was before.
  13. Like I have said I don't think it will be nearly as bad as the 1918 flu pandemic, far from it in fact due to how sanitation, common sense, and the medicine has evolved. However, it still may be a force to reckon with. We are hoping for the best and preparing for the worst which is what normally happens, as far as I know. Even then, in researching the 1918 flu (my pet project for the past 3 years), I came across an interesting book, "The Devil's Flu: The World's Deadliest Influenza Epidemic and the Scientific Hunt for the Virus that Caused It." In this book the author, Pete Davies, has
  14. Ya apparently you still don't get it. Many health organizations world wide organized to eradicate small pox which meant inoculating the world's population against small pox. They finally were able to eradicate it. Maybe one day we can do the same with the flu. But those who don't get vaccinations will always be the thorn in the lion's paw. Although do what you will, just stay away from me and my family.
  15. Sorry, I did not illustrate my point correctly. Ya it can mutate with or without a vaccine. There will always be people who take the vaccine and not get it but may get it because people who didn't take the vaccine allowed it to mutate. So whether we have a vaccine or not it is going to mutate. Ever wonder why small pox is now gone...People were inoculated worldwide until it disappeared.
  16. It is called mutation which does occur naturally with or without a vaccination.
  17. I am ok with people not vaccinating. However, never come near me or my family and put them at risk. (yes my family is still in ga)
  18. I would check tonight, but every night the fog rolls in and I see nothing.
  19. Is it a full moon again?!
  20. Ty, I always forget to put that last bit in.
  21. And here I thought you were going to say snow
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