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Everything posted by dumbestgirlintheworld

  1. I really want to start a petition to take away this woman's baseball team. Vivid, the porn studio, is making her house payments and she's, in turn, making her children proud. Yeah, that's her house...with her kids stuff in the back.
  2. Wonder why they didn't do this in March?
  3. Could you imagine if Lancome ever discontinued the world's greatest cosmetic...the Juicy Tube? Oh, the humanity!
  4. I know that not everyone is on FB, but I have to say that FB is like going to your HS reunion. It's amazing how the cheerleaders are now stay at home moms. And chubby. The stoners are actors. In Hollywood. The drop outs are successful. My ex's are messes. Constantly. All the cliques have succumbed to in fighting. 90% of people never.left.the.state. It's amazing to me what people will put up on FB, or anywhere public, but sometimes I'm SO glad that they do...and if you don't know what "SMH" means, it's what I do when I look at some pages and just Shake My Head.
  5. I think that depo should be part of the immunization schedule. We're vaccinating for friggin mumps but not for pregnancy. Boggling. As for the wedding - I don't like clowns or trained circus animals, so I'm skipping the wedding. If you want to spend $100 a head so that 75 of your parent's friends can eat rubber meals and do the chicken dance, - more power to you.
  6. While I hate to say this...but you will likely always suffer from anxiety attacks in some form. While they can be controlled, and handled, it is due to a deficiency in your brain chemicals. This can be caused by a number of things, but it's usually permanent. You can have some control over the frequency and severity. I've been to ER's, doctors, specialists, shrinks, acupuncturists, witch doctors, spiritualist; I've had MRI's, CT scans, brain scans and sleep studies...it's different for everyone, but one thing is universal, it sucks.
  7. I think that there are a lot of advantages to domestic partnership, especially if you're rich. Marriage has become a bit of a circus, from the wild engagement rings to the million dollar weddings. It's a lot of hassle and a waste of money.
  8. Here you go...it's in Smyrna. http://www.spa-kidz.com/Celebrations.html
  9. The way the usher you in and out these days, you'll be lucky if they let you stay the night! I'm assuming alcohol is dsicouraged? Camera, toothbrush, outfit for Finn, carseat, breast pump. Stay home and labor as long as you can, get the epidural right away and don't forget to put your offspring in the nursery when they tell you to, there's no valor in not sleeping and you'll have plenty of opportunity for that the first year that he's sucking the life force out of you. Man, it's amazing how much childbirth and infancy loose their romanticism once you're actually a parent.
  10. I wouild suggest going to your doctor and asking for some antianxiety medication, xanax or ativan are the most mild. If you don't want to do this, you can try valerian (any store, though the better ones will be at a health store), but it will make you sleepy. Situational anxiety can be helped by focusing on your breathing and relaxation, but I found this really hard to do in the midst of an attack - especially my first few when I didn't know what was going on. If you're young(er), and otherwise healthy, there is probably nothing wrong and it will pass. Sometimes just reassuring yourself o
  11. You can't really spell out the same symptoms for everyone, but it's unlikely that you're having an anxiety attack that lasts more than a day (or a few hours for that matter). You may be feeling some slight anxiety, but nothing I would worry about. Certainly nothing that I would recommend long term medication to treat. Anxiety attacks are like having a baby, you will know when you're having something that you need to see a doctor about. Most people end up in the ER one or more times (in my case 4) before they're properly diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.
  12. Dave Ramsey slaps "Christian" in front of getting rich and it takes on some divine power. It's like diets...it's a pretty simple science. Take in less calories and burn more calories than you are right now. Take on less debt and pay off MORE than you're paying now, and you'll be fine. The famine of the Dave Ramsey way is great...if you want to line your coffin with cash. I'm opting for a more balanced approach. Debt is not sinful, greed is. But there's not a millionaire in the world that will tell you that they got there by not putting a little back in the machine.
  13. This year we will experience 4 unusual dates: 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11... Now go figure this out: Take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it will equal 111.
  14. Wait...it was a pic of last year. I was astonished to see her looking like she's in her second trimester...when in fact it was from 2010.
  15. And Mariah?! Did she have the babies?
  16. I am, apparently, really irritable today. If you'd had cancer, then you should know it's chemo, short for chemotherapy...and it's expensive because the people that treat it do know that...so you don't have to. They also know just the right amounts of poisons to pump into your body so that you are cured and not killed. "They" also rack of millions of dollars in education debts that need to be paid so that they can help save your life. "They" also spend decades on R&D. "They" also spend a small country budget on insurance, because people in grief like to sue. Rhetoric annoys me to
  17. Shiat, if someone is taping ANY kids, it's going to become my business...and I'll trust that 12 of my peers will understand that.
  18. Yes...with the same damn mismatched shoes at that!! And yes, CZJ is beautiful, but *snooze*. I think that she thinks she better than everyone, and I'm not sure I've seen her in a movie in a decade. Not digging Sandra Bullock's new 'do either. Oh, and have you noticed that the "domestic partner" is super in vogue now? Especially with the Brits? I think that the UK's divorce rate surpassed the US. I'm going to London second week of May, get a ticket and show me around. I'll cover the room.
  19. If you're worth your salt, Julliard will give you a scholarship. Otherwise, if you want to go to school for theater, music, art or any such other dumb sheeze, you get to pay for it yourself. I was at the theater this weekend thinking this very thing...I bet some of the seats in the place cost more than what some of the employees made that night.
  20. Alright, well here's a scenario (just something to think about). I thought the same thing...and then my husband had an affair. I had worked on my career, but probably not to the degree that I would have had I not always planned on two incomes. The divorce all but wiped out a lot of the savings and then I was left living a lifestyle that had been *planned* with 70% more income then what was now coming in. And then the housing market tanked. And I had to have surgery for some pre-cancerous problems. And then I got laid off. And was unemployed for 7 months. 7 years ago, we were m
  21. Did Helana really wear a dress, in the same manner, that she's worn before? To me, that just says, "I don't care about this s*$t, in which case...why does she go?
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