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Everything posted by jet_man1969

  1. No one said a word last year when the QB returned punts and played defense. Why? Because you went undefeated in the region and went to the second round of the play offs. Now that you guys graduated a ton of seniors and have lost 1 game you want to fire the coach? Gimme a break! I would bet a 100 dollar bill that a lot of kids would be sitting the bench no matter how good they are if Reid was still around and the patents pulled the crap that's going on now!
  2. East Defense wins again in a upset over new manchester North Over Hiram Pc edges out villa rica south beats the brakes off woodland.
  3. East defense wins again against new Manchester South destroys woodland North beats Hiram Pc upsets villa rica
  4. Rome is no easy team to beat, Y'all did a awesome job earning the win!
  5. Woodland will be a cake walk for you guys, then your going to be in the hard part of your schedule
  6. During football season its nightly around 9 o'clock after all the practices. all other times of the year its 6 ish
  7. The East/ Paulding game should be fun to watch!
  8. I say we blow them all ( both sides) back to the stone age and then walk away, Dare Russia or china to jump if the feel froggy!
  9. Thats what I kinda figured too, It AMAZES me how sheeple are so easily led in the direction a political party wants them to go by their talking heads in the media.
  10. North Lost 41-30 We played the game like we practiced all week! Crappy!
  11. Ya'll help me understand please, 10 years ago we invaded a country because we believed they had weapons of mass destruction and people were all for it. Now someone has used a weapon of mass destruction on civilians and now the same people who was for going to war then are now suddenly against it. Why the Flip flop? Whats different? Thank you!
  12. East Stomps woodland this week, Hiram reboumds, North will have their hands full with new manchester, I think PC will pull off the upset against toona and South stomps Villa Rica
  13. While I agree with the president for letting the congress decide IF we attack or not, I think we need to be very very cautious in letting those idiots choose what targets and how we do it, Thats what we pay generals and Admirals for.....
  14. Toot Toot away! Good job with your picks, Can you do it again next week?
  15. It's the right thing to do letting congress vote, we are not imnate danger from Syria
  16. Gate Price is Seven dollars. They sold out at the high school.....
  17. The email I got said no student discounts and all tickets 7 dollars, I sending my ticket money in with my son.
  18. I know maxpreps is going to quicscore it but that' just shows scores and not really a god way to follow the game. I believe that east games are usually broadcast on the radio
  19. North, Hiram and Rome wins this week.
  20. I did not realize that I had to count each of the 30 cans in the pack
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