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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. This person is pretending to be someone that he is not and getting free food around town by claiming He Has NO Money and leaving my Friend's Business Car in LEW of MONEY! I have enclosed the best pictures they have.
  2. I went yesterday... pleasant experience...NOT! (actually, it was once I got dressed!) Here is what I noticed and I believe these Changes will make the experience much more pleasant for "US" Paulding Residents and "OUR" people working at the county building. 1. Signage at the Entrance on a stanchion with clear rules 2. Lockers that you pay for. 1 set would be enough (produce revenue) from people like Bubbadoo (LOL) 3. ticket system for us slower moving people :-) I feel SO strongly about this I am going to go to get on the agenda for the next meeting.
  3. Prayers Going Up for Thad and Melissa
  4. CobbInternational Market ... $2.99 lb need their #?
  5. Looking for someone... (hopefully a pcommer...would rather buy from a Paulding person) that is a AVON rep. Would like to buy a couple of bottles of this... Let me know.... 770-833-2175 cell/text
  6. Awwww..... to be a teenager again! Great Pictures!!!! :good:
  7. Prayers for you, the family and EVERYONE that was touched by this tragic accident.
  8. Yes, HAPPY Belated BIRTHDAY!!! CONGRATS on getting on at HOME DEPOT!!!!! :good:
  9. OMG!!!!! The CATFISH was AMAZING....... (L K BELOW) We Went To Cindy's in Hiram and will be going back!!!! :good: (don't forget to mention you saw it here)
  10. Yes Sir.... Wally World has one for $19.98 the phone that is. :lol: Thank You ALL for the input!
  11. Funny you to say that..... I called wally world and asked the person who answered can I speak to the DEPT that handles HOME Phones...... 15 minutes later..... Cell Phone Person picks up!!!!! :lol:
  12. I am looking for a slightly USED one of theses or similar phone. If you have one please Call Or Text me. :good:
  13. Every time I see an update to this thread, I hope someone has posted that Bobbi Kristina has snapped out of the coma.
  14. Look In The Tree.... Did You See it????? Here it is....BEAUTIFUL!!!
  15. I too am a little confused! I thought that was a Purple Dinosaur????? :p
  16. R.I.P. Mr. Spock.... you were truly an inspiration!!! Wish we could have worked together!
  17. Yep, and then some! People were actually CIVIL!
  18. How to Stimulate the Economy? (wait for it!) CALL FOR SNOW!!!! :p
  19. I for one tip my to the BOE and to ALL of our elected officials. p.s. don't forget to thank a LEO, Teacher, Bus Driver, etc... the next time you see one! (trust me... they appreciate it more than you might think!)
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