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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. Yes that has been on my radar I’m rarely ever crossing the County intentionally anymore, it’s atleast a two hour round-trip Minimum it seems to go from my office and back even if I just go to Home Depot for a drywall screw or a lightbulb any it’s normally just to go to a clients House that doesn’t or can’t come into a brick and mortar! I’m getting ready to go dig some holes @ 92 & Antioch Road. If you’re out and about stop by and say hello ! Caped
  2. I know, we used to have MUCH Laughter and Fellowship with p.com members from what I hear... they be LURKING... Come JOIN US and MOLD the NEW p.com to your liking! (with ACTION not WORDS!)
  3. Good Morning to you as well! Have an AWESOME Day! The SUN is Shining and we're on a roll...Boston
  4. What do you think of when you see something like what is in the video ? Me, I often wonder if I’m doing God’s will or NOT You see, A lot of people ask me why I take the time to make a video like The one I posted in this entry. The reason behind the madness is... it tells a story and while I would love to reach the masses, if I resonate with just 1 person, mission accomplished. You see our Savior, goes after the one and leaves the 99 Hopefully, if you watch the video you’ll be able to TRULY pick up what I
  5. OK dim the lights and here we go... the winner of the January 31, 2020 Paulding.com drawing for the bacon wrapped steaks from Rodney‘s in Dallas Georgia is inside the video ! Enjoy! Have a blessed day! Caped Traffic is hectic please continue to pray for our boys in blue and all public servants of Paulding and Beyond!
  6. WOW... I'm TRULY disappointed in the DEEP animosity towards OUR fellow Human BEING from ALL parties posting in this THREAD! With that being SAID.... I do BELIEVE we will have a NEW Rule for the POLTICS portion that NOT 1 of you will be able to ABIDE by, by the stroke of MIDNIGHT! let's Play NICE or let's ALL go to OUT! Caped
  7. Yes Sir, I agree! With my WHOLE HEART.... Thankful you brought that up because to be a HEALTHY LOCAL WEB PRESENCE **** Here is what I would like YOUR suggestion on... What is a HEALTHY Ratio of posts from an individual here on p.com on LOCAL VS NATIONAL....?????? I Believe it should be a 1 to 1 ratio as that would indicate they are a PRODUCTIVE poster in OUR Community? Your TURN... we are VOTING on this SET RULE in the NEAR FUTURE amongst the OWNERS of Paulding.com IMHO we have a FEW on HERE that have a difficult time balancing be
  8. I wish more REAL AMERICANS/ Paulding Countians that is... would/could see the VALUE in LOCALism and that other sites that claim to love this county are NOT driven out of LOVE for the county, rather they are either driven by GOVT or BIG Business! (or BOTH) 54 more hours till the EPIC Bacon Wrapped Steak Drawing!
  9. I am ROTFLMAO!!!! I AM NOT the guilty one... However, like I told you earlier, when I posted about IVANKA in my other thread on the Human Trafficking Shelter/Transistion house we now have in Paulding County.... it did that to me as well! ! Hope you got a LAUGH of endorphins!!!!!
  10. FREE Bacon Wrapped Steaks.... better hurry on 84 HOURS tile Live Drawing! January 31st 12 NOON will be Drawing FREE Bacon Wrapped Steaks.... better hurry CLICK on story below to REGISTER NOW!
  11. JSYK... it says that on MINE as well! The reason... we ARCHIVED as much as we could from the past 17 years, some didn't PORT over
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