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Caped Crusader

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Everything posted by Caped Crusader

  1. HomeAboutIHOP Atlanta Resources PodcastVideosBooksWatchmen on the WallDevotionals BlogConnect Partner Coronavirus: Current Statistics and a Biblical Perspective The Covid-19 Coronavirus is on virtually everyone’s mind right now. My oldest son came home from college yesterday telling me it was the conversation in each of his classes. My recent Google searches for generic subjects are returning results randomly including Coronoavirus details. In the midst of this, I want to offer the curre
  2. Just came in from HIRAM Wal-Mart.... PLEASE Watch the VIDEO BELOW and SPREAD The WORD! #goldenrule #loveyourneighborsasyouloveyourself #theGREATCOMMANDMENT
  3. Pretty soon, we all will be pushing BUTTONS! Those folks @ Hanna- Barbera Had some MAJOR Creative people!
  4. MarkPalm, It would be our pleasure to delete your account from ever existing on this platform if you choose. But if you choose for us to do that please request it from the SUPPORT Tab on the top of the page so we have your permission, can’t be too careful in today’s climate , we don’t want people To THINK that PAULDING.com arbitrarily deletes peoples accounts . I have enclosed a screenshot of what your email looks like that you received by mistake . either unsubscribe (Takes about 24 hours to register) or send a SUPPORT Ticket requesting For us
  5. I miss CPT. Eddies but Thankful Cindy's is Hoppin! They have GOOD Home cooking!
  6. Looking to plan a TRIP to FL for a lil' FISH-N Thinking about LAKE Seminole https://coastalanglermag.com/lake-seminole-fishing-report-march-2019/
  7. Jeff, will do! I lost my Ally after 16 Years.... SPREADING the word not only on SOCIAL Media but in MY Circle of INFLUENCE as well! Prayers for Sendel's SAFE return to Her Family!
  8. Yep, I said that! Slick as a Baby's Butt! What do you use????????? After reading the article below I believe I will order some of this! Read The Article
  9. Scientists discover Earth has a second (very tiny) moon... A visiting mini-moon is circling Earth, according to astronomers who discovered the cosmic squatter in our planet's orbit. The tiny asteroid, dubbed 2020 CD3, was spotted by astronomers in Tucson, Arizona, on Feb. 15. "BIG NEWS," Kacper Wierzchos, a researcher with the Catalina Sky Survey at the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Lab, tweeted Tuesday. "Earth has a new temporarily captured object/Possible mini-moon called 2020 CD3. On the night of Feb. 15, my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Teddy Pruyne and
  10. APRIL 4th at a PIECE of HEAVEN in Dallas Georgia! Details Below... FROM 2-4PM ON SATURDAY, APRIL 4th!! COST IS $3 (cash only) I do believe this is the FIRST TIME EVER a person could come get a super yummy cake and speciality coffee AND PET, FEED, AND GET A SELFIE WITH AN ALPACA in one place!! Y’all we cannot stand all the adorable stuffed into these alpacas. Our friends at L&R Alpaca Haven Farm are coming to visit! BRING YOUR KIDS. BRING YOUR FRIENDS. BRING $3 (cash) and get yourself a new profile picture AND feed these gentle darlings!! Use hashtag #alpacacake and tag u
  11. We use one of these... in the Home and we also sanitize the car every so often! Really helps me, Has for YEARS! They Run around $200.00 to $300.00 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Green-Air-Alpine-Purifier-Generator/dp/B00370BLLM/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=air+purifier+ozone&qid=1582729600&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExWUJKUUNNTENJT0lIJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTExMDMzMk1RQktNR0IzODJFTyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzE4Mzk0MUxNSE1DSE1PRVpDUyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  12. I wish p.com had some resident nosey neighbors in the house!
  13. I received a call from NEW YORK the other day about a DESK you were selling.... do you ship them out?
  14. It is amazing when you think about the last 17 years! There is ONLY1 Direction... GGle Perfection Eludes Us All The Below is a PICTURE... VIDEO Coming SOON!!! (If You Clicked on the picture thinking it was a video....Pray You Did Not Lose Your JOY!) peace Here is the Video!
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