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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. Do the Zip line http://www.historicbanningmills.com/canopy.html
  2. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showuser=19830 Check the listing in CC and see if any of them can help
  3. Yes happened to me as well..told him that my husband had already check and everything was fine...He still tried to get me to let him check.........sent him on his way. People may think this is OK because after all does not cost them anything..the insurance company pays....one question who pays the insurance company and who's rates go up because of all the claims?
  4. Hint:: Anytime they tell you to "TURN IT UP" do not click.
  5. Good but you should really go to the breakfast..it will be better than going home and feeling worse.
  6. I said a VERY Big HELL YEAH
  7. It is not about if you work or stay at home..if you have asked him not to do this and he still does then it a sign of disrespect.
  8. Never say you have a problem with people making money or even just having "FUN" and teaching kids it is fun to put a rope around a baby animals neck and choke it then jerk it off its feet or throw in down on the ground. Just too much fun right????
  9. That's OK because I will hide all the extra TP where only I know and leave the empty there. I can take with a me a new roll and then hide it again when I am done. That way I have it and he does not.....now who is pissed off?????????????
  10. Them spoiled?????? Rotten yes. Looks a little slutty to me
  11. Hey do you think a dog fight would be fun for the kids?
  12. I keep having to tell myself...DO NOT POST....DO NOT POST but it is getting harder and harder
  13. I also heard something about reckless driving down 120 coming towards Hiram
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