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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. It does me too! Two of the toughest guys in the world fell completely apart when it came time to say good by.

    My oldest son moved out a few weeks ago, I fell apart, literally nearly fainted. He calls from his roomates place upset, he moved back home the following night, hehe!!

  2. Tacos, My kids favorite & the easiest


    Nachos, another quickie


    I can get you the # for Sal's Pizza


    Or homemade pizza is quick, let the boys make their own


    Breakfast is great for dinner


    Grilled chicken with mac n chez, corn on the grill.......cook enough chicken for salads the next day

  3. We need a firing squad, line them suckers up pow pow pow, one big grave , DONE!!!!




    There needs to be fear put in the minds of future rapists that the consequences will be so harsh so horrific that would possibly keep them from committing these acts. I mean it would have to be extremely harsh, worse than a firing squad and the electric chair. They deserve it and if an example can be made go for it!!

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