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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. We went to gulf Shores last year and I must say there is no way I would go back, Destin is MUCH nicer, the water is clearer, greener the sand is like sugar in Destin. In GS there aren't many good restuarants, and there is always an hour wait to get in them. Destin is the best and only way to go, we have been there 4 out of the last 5 years and regretted it last year

  2. We have had our wii for 3 days and we love it, I'm thinking I can really use this as a bargaining tool for doing chores and summer reading, they read I play :ph34r: :p

  3. You will go to hell for not putting mayo in mashed potatoes. And you will be well on your way if it is anything but Hellmans.


    Homegrown tomato sandwiches with mayo, salt and black pepper is how you know it's summer time in the south.


    And a banana sandwich with mayo and black pepper is pretty good too.

    Seriously, you must be on CRACK :lol: Blue Plate is the best mayo, and the best sammich ever is a Bacon sammich with BLUE PLATE Mayo B)

  4. ask Bwitchy she can tell you LOL


    actually it is a place where adults go to have some fun, that is for paying members on,..


    pubby lets a little more slide in there then he does on the public board...


    come on Bwitchy tell them what it is LOL




    we must have been posting at the same time LOL

    I am so coming in there!!!! B)

  5. Am I the only one who finds it hysterical that a person with Jack Nicholson for an avatar is asking if we can handle the truth?!?!


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



    Yeah well, everytime I read his post it's like Jack is talking to me, I love Jack Nicholson, which is why I am now stalking Walking Tall :ph34r: , but don't tell him


  6. Yep. Serious charge. Let's hope that if there are other students he used his position of authority to assault, they come forward. Let's hope he gets a fair trail, & if guilty, serves the appropriate time in jail & the students can work through all this. If he is innocent, let's hope we can all forgive ourselves for the things we've thought about him.


    This is just a terrible & sad situation all the way around.

    There is a lot of people who will be impacted by this, not only the student and teacher but each of their families, these people need prayer and a lot of it.

  7. Don't twist it. I did not name a child. I said a first name. It was a mistake - not done to be malicious. Maybe you should get a life. This guy was not your child's teacher. Your child did not have problems with this teacher. At least I have skin in the game. You are just driven to become part of a thread that has nothing to do with you because you need attention.

    I realize you are upset, a lot of people are, but whether or not you meant it, this is so not a game. IMO I think you should also be aware that this man could have an innocent family as well, and I think you should be careful at how loosely (sp?) you use the word RAPE. That word affects not only the accused, but the accuser, and families involved. Guilty or not, this discussion is really pushing the limits.

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