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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. Just because I or someone else may disagree with "gay" marriage, doesn't make us ignorant, it means I or we have a different oppinion and in some cases a different set of values, you won't see me bash these people I disagree with their lifestyle and that is it.

  2. Not any more 'cause they don't fight now that they've gotten this old.


    I used to when it got to the point they were just itching for it. I'd tell 'em to go for it. Have it out. The winner gets a spanking from me.


    They never did take me up on the offer.

    just so you know I will be using this on my kids, I have a 7 yo who thinks he is a wwe wrestler and is constantly trying to put his big sister in some kind of deathgrip, I say big sister but he has like 30 lbs on her, and she is 3 years older than he is

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