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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. Heck yea, I can't wait until football season. I'll be there on the front row and you'll be able to here me and my little crowd loud and clear. Hey EPDAD, I'm gonna get over that way sometime and take a look at the field house when its all finished, you will have to give me a tour of the place. We need to get together and play some golf sometime too.



    GO RAIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can't wait to see the field house it is huge!!

  2. I'm a member of PETA myself: People Eatting Tasty Animals


    The old saying goes, "There's room for all God's creatures.... right next to the mashed potatos."


    I hunt. I use what I shoot.

    I fish. I use what I catch.


    As long as it's legal, I'll continue to do so.


    In the case of necessity or circumstances arise that cause drastic food shortages,

    who do you think is going to survive, people who know how to hunt and fish or people who don't?

    That is a good one, I will tell my Dad he will love it. You should make a bumper sticker & t shirt.

  3. My Dad Hunts & fishes. He rarely buys meat from a store. I know this saves hime a lot of money and Deer meat is better for you than beef. I personally think what he does is wonderful, my family always enjoys the meals he prepares when we go home. But as a girly girl my idea of hunting is a day at the Mall :angel:

  4. I was just being sarcastic. They did harass us a little, but I really have no feelings about it. Just as I have no feelings about rodeos, but I do have some feelings about people who have extreme opinions and judge others.


    My oldest is in venture. She is gifted like dad. My next just started school and my other two are just 3 and 1. You would probably be surprised. Don't judge me on one thread about taking kids out to eat.


    I am really a good guy, I love animals, my kids act well in public, I am a great teacher, I am tolerant, and I would appreciate your vote in the upcoming election.

    I must say, you are a pretty good guy, you have a lovely wife, and your children are so much fun to be around, especially the stunt baby! I appreciate your SARCASM, some take things way to serious. I always enjoy the humor you bring to a topic like this, so yes I will vote for COACH!!!!

  5. That is why I have quit breastfeeding. I haven't done it in 35 years because I do not want to support Le Leche League. I do not like what they stand for. I do not like the way the harrassed my wife when our first child was born. What is a few points on test scores, and formula doesn't cost that much anyway, especially if you dilute it with a little water.




    Extreme viewpoints are hardly persuasive.

    You are too much, seriously. :lol:

  6. Fall ball reg. usually start around Aug. Last year I think we payed $75, Dallas and East Paulding are where we have played


    Spring ball regs. in January, cost is $105. for us this year, may be cheaper for tiny tots, this is New Hope Ball field


    Be careful where you sign up, some places you have to work so may hours in the concession, or sell candy, which you must pay for up front, neither of which is at New Hope. So I highly recommend in the spring playing at New Hope.


    When they turn 5, I think, you can take them to play softball at Mt. Tabor or Taylor Farm, these are both around $60

  7. That movie rocked!!!


    I can't wait to see Quarantine


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    I cannot watch scary movies anymore, between Michael Myers & the Hills have eyes crazy, people eating hillbillies, My nerves can't take it!

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