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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. Whoever makes the cake please post a pic, my son turns 8 in March, his cake would have HHH kicking John Cena's butt.


    edited to add~ are you taking him to the show on 9/5?

  2. yes there is that too :p which will be the category I fall into when I start waving at other mini van drivers to let them know I have kids, I got their back and I enjoy embarassing my teenage daughter :D

    IMHO anytime you can embarass your teenager its a good day, mine sure don't mind embarassing me :rolleyes:

  3. My son, saw it last night, he was crazy about it, he wanted to stay and watch it again. He said Heath did an "awesome" job. He cracked me up,, he said He did a great job going from a gay cowboy to the joker :lol:

  4. you think?



    If you can't hear...and you go to the drive thru..how is someone supposed to help you? When will you know to pull forward? How will you know which window to stop at? If they're out of chicken sammches, and that's what you want to order....how can someone communicate the fact that your oder cannot be processed?


    Inviting her in to see that her needs are properly met = cutting her some slack.

    No wait, it equals more than that. It shows compassion and the ability to go the extra step to make sure that she's well taken care of.

    They could have went the extra step when she asked them to take her order at the window


    THAT was a big rock!!

    Yeah, I saw it coming :rolleyes:

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