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Posts posted by **Bren**

  1. I used Dr. Selano years ago, my back was seriously jacked up. I could barely stand and sometimes I could move a certain way and had no feeling or movement below the waist, I went to him for about a month and he fixed me right up

  2. My 7 yo son thinks he is a professional wrestler, Shawn Michaels, this is all due to his 18 yo brother who also believes he is a professional wrestler, Triple HHH, these two crack me up, they both have their championship belts and my 7 yo wants some "wrastlin pants for Christmas" and his brother says he wants them to, goofy nerds! :wub:

  3. Call Badcock and ask for cardboard, cut out cactus shapes, wooden fences like a corral (sp?), you could also set up a small tent and build a campfire, tumbleweeds would be cool, buy a Pack of those big ballons that you punch, blow it up as big as you can, take very thin twine, cut long strips dip it in white glue and wrap around the balloon until it is as thick as you want it, after it dries, pop the ballon and you have tumbleweeds :D

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