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Everything posted by **Bren**

  1. it really isn't a "clan" thing, I would say that Lady Raider is held in high regard on this board. People respect her and when someone is rude or disrespectful we take it personally. I would however be willing to make a list of people that you can be mean to if that would help you
  2. note to self, eat more eggs!!! I'll save mine
  3. http://www.guitar-hero-cheats.com/
  4. or punch them right in the mouf!!!
  5. how are you gonna cheat guitar hero I'll ask my son this afternoon he would know
  6. please, you don't even have a girlfriend
  7. how sweet!! happy birthday
  8. Pictures people!!! It is more fun picking on others when pictures are available
  9. gives a whole new meaning to "got the goods"
  10. can you imagine the political forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .the tonk
  11. you will survive, I am gonna burn newspaper for heat. That's all I got
  12. and you could pull out a machine gun and give em a bullet
  13. Compared to some of them Jethro is Einstein, I'm just saying!!!
  14. try deleting the documents waiting to print, if there are any Google your question and include your specific printer
  15. hhhmmm, maybe its brokeded seriously though I have had that happen to my printer, maybe you could uninstall it and reinstall
  16. was this the one where you had to jump on the turtle shell as it came down the steps to get 40 hundred free men? I loved that game. But Mrs. Pacman, I'm the master
  17. well if it needs feeding I don't want it!!
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