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Everything posted by felixfamilylights

  1. Actually if that is your house, they dumped the stolen car in the driveway over there. I think who ever did this either lives in or near here. Why else would you take a car, joy ride(the car had a dent and an empty tank,s o police believe they had some fun), then take it back to the same neighborhood you took it from. Mome of the house were touched that I know of, just cars with things stolen out of them and of course one taken. I leave my car out and it doesn't seem like they touched it. But then again the only thing in there were cd's and they probably don't like my type of music.
  2. We looked out our window becuase I saw some spot lights and the police were driving around spotting people's yards. Then a neighbor called and said there were police in the woods with a K9. Anyone have any ideas what might be going on??? We had some cars in the nroghborhood get broken into last night and one stolen. Not sure if it is related or what.
  3. Well to stick with tradition, tonight will be the last night before the Felix Family Light display goes dark for 2009.(If we do not start tear down New Years Day I will probably let it run Friday Night too) It was a great year and we want to thank everyone for coming to visit. Not sure how much money we raised, but we'll let you know. In 3 years we have raised $6000 so hopefully we'll add a good bit to that total. Next year we will see what we can add and if we can it the 100,000 light mark. We have a few things planned for next year, new songs to sequence, Santa will visit most weekends n
  4. I know Christmas is over and all, but many people leave their lights up and on till the New Year. Since we do not always get out and see a lot of lights before Christmas we will go a little after. I was wondering if anyone new if the display(s) in Rockmart stay lit till New Years and if so where are they? Is it worth the drive out there as well. We will most likely be home New Years Eve so I thought about taking a ride out there and give them a look.
  5. We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. The lights will be running tonight through New Years Eve. So if you get a chance stop by and check us out. If you have been already, heck cmoe by again. Again Merry Christmas everyone and have a blessed holiday.
  6. I am very glad you all made it out to see Santa. It does take a lot of work. I am finding as I spend more time outside at night one of the most popular questions is how long does it take to do all this. It is really a loaded question because set up is one thing, and making the lights go with the music is a totally different thing. But to me it is more of a hobby (year round) and a thing I love to do than it is work. I will admit that it is starting to become work and if you ask my wife, who does nearly as much as I do with the set up, she will say it is work. I don;t think I could imagine
  7. I will have the display running till New Years Eve most likely. And yes we will runf Christmas Eve and Day.
  8. CLick on the link in my signature that says visit us on the web. That is our website with directions and a google map. We are in the New Hope area of Dallas, just up the road from Publix in Oliver Place Subdivision.
  9. Santa will be in the Window until he arrives tonight. Santa told me he will be here between 7-7:30 (probably closer to 7:30) Once again he will be sitting in the display on the cul de sac for children to talk to and take pictures with. You will just need to take a camera with you for any pictures. Also try and be considerate of others and those who are waiting in line. The show is long (between 30-40 minutes before it repeats) and I would hate to shorten it to a few songs if I do not have to. If the line gets long like it has been this week please sit through a few songs and then swing o
  10. They do a great job over there. One of our former student teachers (who now teaches at SPMS I beleive) is on of the houses. I want to go by there this year, but probably won't be able to till Christmas Day depending on things at our houses. You are right, you won;t be disappointed. Very nice, beautiful, and any other adjective you can think of.
  11. Gee Tee you must have came SUnday Night? We were gone for several hours and didn't want to leave Santa on while we were not at home for an extended period of time. But he has been on every night other than that unless the Big guy is here. Santa will be here tomorrow too, around 7:30. As for turn off time, we run late since it is the week of. e run till about 11:30/midnight. Christmas eve later.
  12. Santa will be dropping by tonight around 7. Not sure how long he will stay. He will have a chair and be sitting in the cul de sac near out inflatables and Grinch scene. He will be there for kids to come and sit on his lap, pictures, etc. He will not be going car to car tonight. Santa is very tired and needs to stay healthy for this Thursday night. This is the real Santa and not me in disguise. As traffic is getting heavy we hope everyone will be considerate of others. 1. Please give those leaving the display the right of way out of the cul de sac. 2. Drive Slowly int he neighborhood. M
  13. Santa will make an appearance tonight at about 7:45 till 9 or so at our house. I think he will make several stops this week.
  14. As of right now I have not heard from Santa as to if he will make it tonight. I am waiting for him to call me. If anything changes I will post a new thread about his arrival.
  15. I was thinking with it being the week heading to Christmas we should start a thread and list light displays for people to visit. This week is always the most popular week for people to go out and look for lights, so lets make it a bit easier. My family and I go out every year and look for lights (we like our own, but it nice to see everyone elses too.) So I'll start: Felix Family Lights Oliver Overlook (in Oliver Place)off Dallas-Acworth Hwy Dallas, GA 30132 Shane, help me out man.
  16. There is a good chacne Santa will be at our display this Saturday weather permitting. Just bring your own camera. I will make a post tomorrow evening for sure.
  17. Thanks for all the kind words about the lights. We are glad so many people have come to enjoy them over the last 4 years. I do it becuase I love it, I always have loved Christmas lights. I couldn't do it without my wife and 3 young children. My wife is our painter, light stringer, and everything in between. My 7 year old has really been a lot of help this year and has learned a lot about the display and the computer part of it. My 5 year olds have become great little light testers. We hope everyone will continue to come out to our display the rest of this Christmas seaspn and for years to
  18. I guess for us it has become our annual Christmas Light Display. Since I moved to GA ten years ago and all my family is still back in PA I kind of lost those traditions. But with our light display I created a new one. My wife and 3 little children spend about 2-3 weeks putting up the decorations, I have even included a few select students of mine. From Thanksgiving to Christmas our cul de sac has become quite the attraction for many people in Paulding County and even some surrounding counties.
  19. You could buy a Mr. Christmas box and make the tree flash with music.
  20. I saw it mentioned in a topic so I thought I would put out in a formal post. We are officailly running for 2009. After 14 days of set up (and still a few more to finish the display) we turned the lights on last night. We will be adding a few more things as this week drags on, but it is mostly done. The show is not currently up to date with this years channel set up (Carter Christmas lights knows what that means.) but we are running. For those of you not familiar with our lights they are computer controlled and set to music. This year we are using the colors red, green, and clear (well mos
  21. Here is what you can do to save them. If half work just cut the female end off, then where the last light works and the next one doesn't cut them there. (there should only be 2 wires instead of 3.) Then wire the female end on and you have a string of 50.
  22. I am with everyone else with It's a Wonderful Life. I also like Miracle on 34th street. Others I like to watch are The Santa Clause 1 and 2, I am a sucker for the old Rankin/Bass specials, and of course Cahrlie Brown. Another favorite not really Christmas, but kinda is Holiday Inn with Bing Crosby. Cannot beleive it is that time of year again. I have always loved Christmas, somehting about this time of year always feels special even when times were tough for our family back home. (which were many). Hope everyone here has a great Thanskgiving.
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