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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. ice, ice and more ice. once you get the inflammation down, you can start alternating ice/heat, but always end with the ice. During the work day, use tiger balm, get the white regular or ultra strenght. Don't do the red, it WILL stain your clothes. Just put a little dab on and rub it around. Kinda like bengay, but much better. You can get it at walgreens. We use it where I work.

  2. yep, mine is. I don't need people I don't know getting too much info. I have pics of my house, and other stuff on there. You just have to be careful sometimes. Plus, I was getting too many stupid "crap" requests from strippers, etc. so yep its private.

  3. I didn't know there was an option to do that. That's a great idea.


    I have a feeling she will be "conveniently" leaving her phone at home, school, friends house etc. You sure you want to tell her it's on there?

  4. IF you want to go to myrtle beach, go to north myrtle beach. Close enough to enjoy everything (the amusement parks, etc) but not as touristy and not as many people. They have the house of blues, eat the breakfast buffet if they still have it and have dinner at the farmers daughter if it is still there. We had a blast when we went a few years ago in april, and had the whole beach to ourselves. Don't know when you are planning on going, but it was very!! cold most of the week when we went. Might consider florida for the spring (sorry if I missed this in op.

  5. hey. Just read this I have a bedroom set. I was going to sell the dresser/mirror to a friend, but I don't know if she still wants it. I will call her tomorrow. If not, I still have a nightstand, head/foot board, and box springs. Full size, with frame. And a nightstand. Let me know if you're still looking.

  6. I hope once this is straighned out I have your luck.


    If I dont bolt from them


    I left sprint last may. They had horrible!!! customer service, on the phone and at the store. I have had cingular since then, and no problems. Sprint had great service, before they merged with nextel. All nextels agents stayed, and sprints originals left. I stood at the store at the avenue for almost 2 hours before they got an issue fixed. (that store has closed since, surprise, surprise). I was sooooo glad to switch and haven't looked back. I don't know anyone personally who hasn't switched from sprint. Plus I lost coverage from the paulding/polk line on 278 all the way to rome. I have very few places I lose signal with att/cingular. I say get out while the getting is good.

  7. :D quick, turn off the phones, lock the doors, pull the blinds, grab your blankey and popcorn. Then veg in front of the boob tube :lol: :lol: :D



    you're just mad cause I'm eating and not answering the phone anymore till after 10..... :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p oh and another thing :p :p


    OMG! I almost had a heartattack with I saw this!! Then I double checked the time - 7:40ish - then I double checked the TIVO!!


    I am so excited they are going 4 years ahead. I am soooo excited!!!



    me too. We got shorted by the # of episodes last season, don't forget to set it for 2 HOURS tonight. doing an extra long premier.

  8. How can I get in touch with Labmom? Does she do a series of classes somewhere locally? We really want to get Jenna into a good obedience class.


    Oh lisabug you've scared me to death! Your dog has gone through THREE crates? I keep telling my husband that she'll eat through this one eventually. He laughs and says no way! Everyday there is just a little more missing from the sides. We actually had her in a wire crate the first night we had her and she pulled the bars apart with her teeth. Obviously not a high quality item.



    Yep, he broke a latch on one that was plastic and metal, then thought I had fixed it and he had it completely broken in a day. the big metal one I had he broke through 6 months. Came home one day and he had 3 metal bars completely torn off. I got him a smaller metal one this time, so he doesn't have so much leverage, he's bent a couple of the bars, but it's not as bad. It had two doors, so we took the divider panel they give you and blocked the smaller door at the end. he can open the latches by himself, so I have to use additional locks on them. I had to use cable ties on the end, because he knows he can lift the top, and pull the door to him and it opens (its collapsible). Very smart dog, I have to give him credit. He can also roll the windows down in the car. I have to keep the window lock on cause he likes sticking his head out. :rolleyes:

  9. I have the perfect dog when he's out of the crate....when he's in it, he will do anything to get out. I'm on my 3rd cause he's torn the others up....good luck joflo. Mine is only 32 lbs. by the way....It's separation anxiety and he needs to be put on doggie xanax.


    Edited to say: sorry don't have a crate for you and mine is almost 4 yrs. old.

  10. Like I said, petition your legislators if you want me to stop. I don't have to and I won't, even if it is for "respect". THey did not earn it and therefore do not get it.



    as said before, I give respect to those families, if it is you in the hearse, I would pull over, even for you, respect earned or not. If I knew you before death, all respect would be gone.


    SUV and off road. :D have fun seeing my bumper.

    then I would even pull over for the cop car carrying you.


  11. Woot!


    So, I really wasn't being tacky by leaving the outside decorations out until today. I was just celebrating every moment of Christmas :lol:


    We did get it all down and back in the basement this afternoon, though.


    haha....me too. Just finished today myself. Not on purpose though.


  12. Don't assume that those who don't stop are from the north.


    I'm from Illinois and I stop. That is what I was taught.

    I was also taught to say a prayer for the family and loved ones left behind.

    I stop as a sign of respect for the mourners. Not the dead body.

    Unless I know the deceased was a solder, then I stop as a sign of respect for his/her sacrifce for my freedom!!!!



    beautifully put. I wonder if the rest of these that say that they wouldn't stop would stop for the procession of a soldier? And though it wasn't me that said those from the north are the one's that don't usually stop, I'm glad there have been a few that have corrected us that believe otherwise. I always thought it was a southern "tradition". Most of the people I know from the north don't usually stop for processions. I'm glad that many that are here do. thank you.

  13. They are dead, and I don't know them. Why should I show respect to someone I never knew and never will? Two, I am not christian or religious. Why should I show respect for a religious ceremony? It is as simple as that.



    No, you don't know them. It's not for them, it's for the families. Not everyone that is buried is religious either, so that point is mute. It's the same as holding the door open for someone behind you and them saying thank you. You don't have to do it, but it's the right thing to do, christian, religious or not.

  14. Why is it such a problem to get out of the way? If i ever went into labor and you had stopped my car due to a stupid procession. I would get out of my car in labor and go yell at you until you moved. There is no need to call an ambulance if you are pregnant and someone is driving you. frankly, you all need more respect for the living than the dead. The dead are not going anywhere any time fast.



    Because I'm trying to show respect and you would be not. If I saw you were pregnant, I would move, and then tell you to quit yelling. I can see a funeral procession and I can see an emergency vehicle. I can't see into everyone's car. Most of the people on the road are not in emergencies, and can wait 3-5 minutes until they can clear the road after a procession. It's all about what I think it's showing respect for the families of the deceased person. the way that you brought about your opionion wasn't respectful, so I show you none.

  15. You don't call an ambulance for labor or broken bones. I say just get out of the way.



    ummm....yes you do. I say I don't know it's an emergency, I ain't getting out of the way just so you can go around me. If it is an emergency and yes labor is, many of the mom's I'm sure will disagree with you on that one, then call somebody. IF it is a broken bone, getting there two minutes or 5 minutes soon isn't going to set it any quicker. Going faster is just going to be bumpier anyway.

  16. I am still waiting to see what those who do stop have to say about this:




    How do you know the people that can't get around you do not have a medical emergency?



    then those people need to call 911 and have an emergency vehicle meet them. The same people who are saying they stop for a funeral will stop for a medical vehicle. So they (I) would clear the road for that vehicle as well.

  17. Hate to continue the hijack...but YUM, YUM, YUM!! I love that place!! I've heard there's a great Indian place in Atlanta, but I don't know where. :( Sorry.



    one of my coworkers who hubby is indian told me there is a great one near hhgregg in smyrna. I would love to go try it sometime if anyone wants to go with...I don't usually go out that way very often.


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