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Posts posted by lisabug28

  1. Maybe she lives in some other Universe. But in THIS Universe; you distill water by BOILING IT.





    Water Distillation Principles


    Every element can exist in three states: as a liquid, as a solid and as a vapor, which mostly depend on it's temperature. This applies to water, too. So, water can be found as ice, water and steam. If water is cooled down below 0 degrees Celsius (32 Fahrenheit), it becomes ice, and if heated above 100 degrees Celsius (212 Fahrenheit), it becomes steam. The temperature, at which a substance changes it state from liquid to vapor is called a boiling point, and it is different for different substances. This difference can be used to separate substances, and as such can be used for water purification.


    The process is relatively simple:

    a) the dirty water is heated

    B) to the boiling point and thus vaporizes

    c) (becomes steam), while other substances remain in solid state, in boiler. Steam is then directed into a cooler

    d) where it cools down and returns to liquid water

    e) and the end result is a water, purified of additional substances found in it before distillation.


    Distillation is an effective process and, what's more important, it can be done with a lot of improvisation. You can heat water with whatever is at hand: fire, electricity, or whatever. You can use almost anything that holds water for a boiler, as long as you can direct the steam into a cooler. A cooler can be a long piece of copper tubing bent into a spiral. All you need is something that will just cool the steam down. In a worst case scenario, you can distill water with an ordinary household pot and two pot lids. Boil water in a pot covered with the first lid. After a while, you'll see that the water in the pot vaporizes, and condenses on the lid (this is distilled water). Now replace the lid with the second lid, and turn the first one vertically, so that all condensed water collects at one point, and then pour it into a cup. Meanwhile, more distilled water condenses on the second pot lid, so just repeat the above steps again... until you have a full cup.


    Distillation will remove from water almost anything, even heavy metals, poisons, bacteria and viruses. However, it does not remove substances that have boiling points at a lower temperature than water. Some of these substances are oils, petroleum, alcohol and similar substances, which in most cases don't mix with water. Also, remember that substances removed from water remain in the boiler, so you'll need to clean it up every once in awhile.


    Distilled water can be used directly and does not need to be boiled again. As it is already hot, you can use it to prepare tea, or similar drinks.


    yes, moose,as a know-it-all you have proved your point, which has already been discussed earlier in the thread and dually noted, now let it DROP!!!!!

  2. Someone said "distilled water CANNOT boil". And nobody found that to be wrong?!?!?! What is wrong here folks?!?!?!? Pure distilled water boils at 212 degrees F. Every liquid moves to the vapor phase at SOME temperature. The only elements with NO liquid phase and NO known boiling point are:




















    actually, 2 or 3 said it was wrong, let it go..


  3. Your foot is the same measurement from your elbow to your wrist.


    for most, you are the same height head to foot as you are fingertip to fingertip across the body.



    If you tell...then aren't you defeating the purpose of the thread? :unsure: :huh:



    yeah, but then it would be a very boring thread!


  4. Name something others may not know. Such as.....babies born through c-sections are more likely to have breathing problems, such as asthma. The contractions during normal labor are what causes the lungs to start functioning properly. And one I learned this weekend, you can't boil distilled water. Water boiling is caused by impurities and distilled has none....ok, your turn....

  5. Aww...God Bless You! My mom is a two time b.c. survivor. It's such a hard thing to see someone go through. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find many surprise blessings during the day tomorrow!

  6. yep. bought a mile, I would say less than two past wally world. the one downtown is a little different. Take a left at the intersection where coots lake is (not sure of the name of the road there). Go to the first red light (house of china is on left), take a left, go through red light and the park will be on your left. Don't think there is a playground, but it's fun in the summer, because the creek runs through there.

  7. there's 2. one go straight down 278 into rockmart, past bojangles and over the rr tracks. park is on left. I was there today. That's more toward kids, nice playground and track, next to silver comet. the other is just outside of downtown.

  8. this sucks. I like kristen, professionally and personally. This is horrible for all of them. seems like they get the ratings up and then drop people. I switch between kicks, Q100, and the IPOD in the morning. I didn't listen to anything but the IPOD this morning, but this just sucks for these people. WOW, especially as bad as the market is!

  9. I have a "neighbor" in my subdivision that does this too. I'm on a side road, but I see their 5 dogs wondering all the time, from a cheezezu to a great dane...oops they got out of the fence. They too have lots of traffic, that usually turns around in my cul-de-sac :rolleyes: wondering if you're in my neighborhood.

  10. I'm glad everyone was ok in this accident.


    Just some first hand information about LifeFlight. The PC police told me at my daughters accident that if the person is trapped in the car for more than 20 minutes they automatically call LifeFlight. Be glad when you go to Atlanta Medical Center. If you go to Grady and you're not really critical, they put you in the hallway and forget about you.


    Just thought I'd let you guys know that even when they call LifeFlight, it doesn't mean that someone is dying. It just means that the response to getting the injured out of the car took a little longer than the police would like.


    exactly!! I was stuck upside down for 18 minutes. They had already called life flight just because of the severity of the accident. Lifeflight is also called more frequently in paulding because the hospital here doesn't have a neuro unit. If they think you're that badly injured, you automatically go somewhere else, even just to kennestone.


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